View Full Version : Airconditioned Collared Redstart

Richard Unsworth
03-07-2012, 06:33 AM

These cute birds hang around the bar and rooms at Savegre; they are not so easy to capture though, always on the move.
Just managed to get this one as he landed behind me as I was focussed on the hummers nearby.
Certainly different should throw the BG police lol

DPP, Levels, Topaz NR and SS

7d 100-400@115 ISO 800 f5.6 1/40 tripod

Doug West
03-07-2012, 06:55 AM
Nah, who cares about the background...sometimes you have to capture what
you can. The head looks sharp, which is nice. The rest of the bird is a little soft,
but its still a nice image.


Ofer Levy
03-07-2012, 07:13 AM
Nah, who cares about the background...sometimes you have to capture what
you can. The head looks sharp, which is nice. The rest of the bird is a little soft,
but its still a nice image.


Some of us on this bird photography forum do care about the BG...

Marina Scarr
03-07-2012, 09:08 AM
The bird is lovely and at 1/40sec you did well to get the bird's head sharp and you have a nice HA with gorgeous colors. It's always nice to have a new bird photo for your files but I would prefer a natural setting.

Richard Unsworth
03-07-2012, 04:14 PM
Thanks for posting

was posted with somewhat amusing overtones, hence the title, but it is different:t3. TBH I failed to get one in two weeks of trying, despite them being everywhere; some birds are like that!