View Full Version : Terns

Sandy McMillan
02-15-2012, 02:45 PM
I would like your opinion on this image.
7D, ISO 500, F11, 1/1600, 500/4.

Bill Dix
02-15-2012, 03:58 PM
Great interaction (I'm guessing it's right at the moment of transfer from parent to juvenile). Good choice of aperture to get both birds in near focus, although for some reason the image seems to be lacking in sharp feather detail. And I wish the left bird's eye were more visible (I wonder if adding a catchlight would help??)

Arthur Morris
02-15-2012, 08:03 PM
Hi Sandy, Welcome, and thanks a stack for your membership support. I like the low perspective here. Yes to wonderful timing on capturing the interaction. No to the feeding of young. I am pretty positive that the bird on our right is an adult (that is not fully molted, probably a one or two year old...) If I am right this is an interesting image as you would expect birds involved in courtship to be in breeding plumage..... Not in some sort of winter plumage.

On to the image. Nice image design. EXP looks fine. The eye of the bird on our right is in the dark because of the poor head angle--turned away from us. But the biggest problem as I see it is poor image quality with very little fine detail in the feathers.

Sandy McMillan
02-15-2012, 11:09 PM
Thanks Art for the critique, I really do appreciate it. The original was taken as a jpeg. I have just begun shooting Raw. My old computer could not handle the file sizes.
I have a new one now, so hopefully, the image quality will get better.
Thanks and see you in Florida Friday am at the convention.

Frank Schauf
02-16-2012, 01:02 PM
A great situation and beautiful colours, well done.