View Full Version : Short Eared Owl

Steve Kaluski
02-14-2012, 07:11 AM
This was more luck than anything else.

I had been told there had been some sightings of three SEO about ten minutes drive from the house on some farmland, sadly knowing the location there was no way I was going to be able to access the land as the owner is no too friendly to say the least. So after two days of watching them and their behaviour I managed to nail this one, allowing me about 2 minutes of his time before flying off. The weather has been very cold and snowy, so no chance of getting any blue sky, but a little winter sun at times.

Looking forward to doing more with this bird in a couple of weeks time hopefully 'across the pond' :bg3:

Subject: Short eared owl on branch, on whiteout BKG (Asio flammeus)
Location: UK
Camera: Canon MKIV
Lens: 500f/4, plus 2x - HH
Exposure: 1/500s at f/8 ISO400 +1.33 stop compensation
Crop: Slight crop (original capture vertical)

christopher galeski
02-14-2012, 07:24 AM
nice one Steve,a change to see one perched on a branch,saw one a few weeks back,on our local moor,while out with a mate of mine flying a goshawk,could not get a decent shot of it,only the back end.well done.

Shaun Boycott-Taylor
02-14-2012, 07:43 AM
Great shot although against a white sky, you have held the detail and whites really well. Not an easy Bird to get close to Steve, so well done for that and your perseverance has paid off. and at a 1000mm HH even better!!:eek3:


Steve Kaluski
02-14-2012, 08:28 AM
Thanks Christopher, guess we don't have the luck of Jon or Austin, but you know what these birds are like, plus the iffy weather we have had.

Hi Shaun, thanks. Certainly HH that kit is not my idea of fun and trying to brace yourself into a comfortable position too. Something I guess you will not have to think about in warmer climates soon.


Andrew Merwin
02-14-2012, 10:50 AM
Well done Steve. I like the perch & the detail in the bird. As usual, your techs are spot on.

Kaustubh Deshpande
02-14-2012, 12:03 PM
Steve, I am liking the white sky here. nice light on the eye. If mine, I;d take some off the bottom. it will make the shooting angle appear less steep.

Steve Kaluski
02-14-2012, 12:17 PM
Hi Kaustubn, due to the weather the skies have been almost white at times, creating some interesting shots, almost bleachout. Had some like that with a leopard last year, cool effect. Interesting your thought about a slight crop. :w3


Jonathan Ashton
02-14-2012, 12:45 PM
Lovely shot Steve, excellent exposure.

02-14-2012, 08:14 PM
Very nice perched photo of a beautiful species. Love the eye.

Austin Thomas
02-14-2012, 08:33 PM
Hi Steve, A great subject and well exposed. Well done on 1000mm HH.

Me LUCK ! I find that my luck increases the more time I spend in the field... It took me two months to get an SEO in decent light, but it was a very enjoyable two months.

I would be looking for Snowy Owls if I was "across the pond" and YES, you did prompt me to post in Avian !!

Looking forward to seeing more of this bird from you.



02-14-2012, 10:50 PM
Hi Steve,
beautiful bird and lovely IQ.

Steve Kaluski
02-15-2012, 02:13 AM
Thanks everyone, appreciate the feedback.

I would be looking for Snowy Owls if I was "across the pond" and YES, you did prompt me to post in Avian !!

Indeed Austin that's the plan, based on hooking up with so good BPN guys too, fingers crossed :bg3: I'm pleased you posted, it was worth it. :w3
