View Full Version : Galah Fight

Jan Wegener
01-30-2012, 02:03 AM
every spring, before they start to breed, the Galahs come together on a grassy area near my house. This often ends in little fights. Here's one of them :)

1D Mark IV
600 IS
ISo 800
F 6.3

Brendan Dozier
01-30-2012, 02:13 AM
Wonderful interaction capture, and what cool looking birds, Jan! Great color, like the low angle, shallow dof, nice BG. The pieces of torn up grass add to the fighting action. Well done!

Ofer Levy
01-30-2012, 02:14 AM
Stunning image! Behaviour, action light and colours - all top notch! Maybe a bit off the bottom.

01-30-2012, 02:39 AM
You have really captured the essence of the moment here. The colors on the birds have come out really well.

Joe Murphy
01-30-2012, 03:55 AM
This is a great action shot Jan, the Galah is a very underrated bird in Australia, a lovely bird to watch, they get up to some very comical antics.

Frank Schauf
01-30-2012, 04:51 AM
Very nice colors and great action, Jan.

Mital Patel
01-30-2012, 05:48 AM
extremely beautiful moment captured. well exposed well timed and well colored image. 10/10 is a deserved points for this image.

I've got a suggestion as the composition is good and moment is good the center of attraction somehow goes on the left birds wings. Flipping horizontal the entire frame would do the different magic taking attraction entirely to the two birds face.

Chris Kotze
01-30-2012, 07:20 AM
Beautiful pose and colours. Great interaction captured

ramesh anantharaman
01-30-2012, 11:03 AM
You have nailed this to perfection Jan. Is there a series here? would love to see more of it.

Sidharth Kodikal
01-30-2012, 11:15 AM
It's all been said. Amazing image - I love everything about it.

Stu Bowie
01-30-2012, 11:40 AM
Hi Jan, exquisite light, and you have captured sharp detail in the interaction. I also like the low perspective, and the colours are great. Being close to your house a bigger bonus.

Jim Crosswell
01-30-2012, 04:43 PM
Excellent image Jan! I like the action, turned up grass, composition, sharpness and exposure.

Rod Warnock
01-30-2012, 06:05 PM
Superb image, Jan !! You have nailed this one.
Best regards
Rod Warnock

01-31-2012, 12:25 AM
sweet, love the light, interaction and details

01-31-2012, 03:47 AM
Superb shot on all aspects. I am just loving it.