View Full Version : Anna's Hummingbird (M)

Gus Hallgren
01-27-2012, 02:00 PM
Photographed in our garden this morning in Green Valley, AZ

Olympus E-3, Zuiko 70-300 ED @ 340 Equiv.
AP: 1/250s, F/6.3, ISO 100, o.ooeV, AWB, CWA, Fill flash.

Comments welcome.


Jeff Cashdollar
01-27-2012, 08:41 PM

I really like the subject placement the frame has balance feels good to the eye. Exposure techs are alright but as I have stated many many times I do not use ISO 100. Too restrictive on shutter speed and aperture, in this case the fill flash helped with detail. With a ISO of 200 you could have doubled the shutter speed.

You have me thinking about spring and the Rubys, they are coming soon (yea!!)

ps - what were the flash settings.

Gus Hallgren
01-28-2012, 10:01 AM
Hi Jeff;

Thank you very much for your help. I too wanted to use at least 200 ISO, but kept getting blinkies when I used a low setting on my flash. I think you have surmized that my flash settings were the problem, and I too now feel the same. I had changed to the Olympus FL50r flash & used it the same way I had used the non "r" model, couldn't fathom much from the manual, and went to google this morning and found out that this flash required settings inside the camera to work properly (Could setup as many as 4 flash units etc) and I needed to do some studying. This is where a person finds out: With a Canon or Nikon there is tons of information to be found. Also, another problemis, "You can always tell a Swede, but you can't tell him much." So, it's off to the drawing board along with tennis today.


John Chardine
01-28-2012, 04:05 PM
I like the light and colour of this one Gus. I'm not sure about all that negative space. At least I would remove the dark smudge at the righthand edge of the image.

Gus Hallgren
01-28-2012, 04:48 PM
Hi John;

Thanks for looking & your comments. Here's a recrop
