View Full Version : Slaty - tailed Trogon

Richard Unsworth
01-26-2012, 04:59 AM

From a mid morning walk around my favorite Finca
Playa Negra Caribbean Costa Rica

You can chase these until your old without catching one in the open:t3

luckily for me in early November they were busy courting.

Fascinating and beautiful patterns on the wings and back, very similar to Quetzal to which they are related

Canon 7D 100-400 IS TRIPOD Ev -.33 f 5.6 ISO 800 FL 400 SS1/250

Raw con DPP
NR Topaz

Jonathan Ashton
01-26-2012, 06:27 AM
Rich I think this is a fine shot, the noise is well controlled, the detail is great and you have a nice catch-light in the eye. The background is unobtrusive, though ideally the big pale areas could be disguised a little if you thought this ethical.

Stu Bowie
01-26-2012, 09:22 AM
Hi Richard, good lookback pose, and I do like the colours and sharpness. Yep, sounds like you were lucky to get an open view of this fellow.

Richard Unsworth
01-26-2012, 09:57 AM
Jon - thanks I hate Backgrounds :bugeyed:

Stuart - thanks, you only have the Narina Trogon dont you? ever got pics?

Jim Crosswell
01-26-2012, 10:19 AM
I am always happy when I spot a Trogon. I have never seen this one. I like the look back pose, feather detail and sharpness.

Daniel Cadieux
01-26-2012, 12:31 PM
The BG ain't too bad from where I sit. Nice colours and sharpness (although I do have a feeling that critical focus was on the rump). I also wish the head was cocked down rather than up. Good vertical comp, and thanks for sharing yet another new "exotic" (new for me!)

gail bisson
01-26-2012, 12:50 PM
Hi Richard,
Daniel took the words right out of my mouth. I think you should walk around with a big step ladder and bring yourself to eye level with all these wonderful species you are introducing to us!!

Richard Unsworth
01-26-2012, 01:27 PM
Hi Daniel and Gail You are correct on CF, in that this shows as being centralised top of bacl/left; however I was shooting with "expanded focus range" and the uppermost point of 5 sits on the head. I think sharpness ok on head though I now use single point, small most of the time. I do have many to process as I have just started working through these Gail a ladder wud be good; In fact for this shot I was standing on a second floor balcony around the jungle house and was just about level with him. Trogons seem to be found offering look back pose more often than not, and I have observed that they almost always cock their heads over I will post up another tomorrow which you might find a lot better. I am glad members enjoy the birds I have been able to capture.

Robert Holguin
01-27-2012, 02:49 AM
Beautiful looking bird. Real nice detail, background does not bother me, and real nice comp.
Well done.

01-28-2012, 06:04 AM
Happy to see this bird lovely look back pose

Juan Carlos Vindas
01-28-2012, 01:15 PM
I would say you got a bird with a very clean and interesting BG. a typical rain forest BG! Good details and as mentioned above, sharpness seems to be on the rump but the eye is still sharp enogh.