View Full Version : Long-billed thrasher

Sid Garige
12-30-2011, 01:04 AM
Canon 7D, 500mm F4 & Alan Murphy's Setup guide
1/640, F8 ISO 800
Laguna Seca Ranch, South Texas

gail bisson
12-30-2011, 07:09 AM
Happy New Year Sid.
I like several things about this image- the comp, the BG, the pose of the thrasher with the raised foot and the way the tail feathers crown the bird's head. I wish you had a bit more SS to freeze the foot and tail. The perch is OK - not liking the way the green plant is sitting in front of the wood perch as it looks contrived. The green in the plant does add a nice boost of color though. A nice image,

Randy Stout
12-30-2011, 07:31 AM

Good points from Gail.

I do like the light, the raised foot pose, colors in BG.

Just for me, I would prefer that the tail wasn't right behind the head, it tends to merge visually for me. Would prefer the head to be in the clear if possible.

From a comp standpoint, I might consider moving him just a bit to the right in the frame.

Look forward to more, as I suspect you have a bunch from your outing!



denise ippolito
12-30-2011, 08:27 AM
Sid, I like the image design and the in-your-face pose. Soft BG colors add to this.

Sachin Saraf
12-30-2011, 11:12 AM
Very well captured Sid...Loved the Pose and BG...as said by Randy it would have been great if tail was not right behind the head. Happy New Year!

Fernando Cerra
12-30-2011, 03:41 PM
Great pose, very uncommon photo

Doug Brown
12-30-2011, 04:07 PM
<embed id="application/x-exifeverywhere" type="application/x-exifeverywhere" width="0" height="0">Like the eye contact, raised foot, and green BG. I'm not crazy about the overlapping head and tail feathers. I agree with the suggestion to move the bird slightly to the right. And I'd tone down the bright areas of the green plant. BTW this is a Long-billed Thrasher, not a Curve-billed Thrasher.

Sid Garige
12-30-2011, 07:37 PM
Doug and Randy,

Yes, off centering to the right will improve the image. Thanks for the suggestion.


You are correct. This is a long billed trasher. Thanks for the correction.


Perch improvements in next trip. I guess I need to learn lot more regarding perch setups.

Sachin and Randy,

I kind of like the tail behind the head. I think it is little interesting pose compared to regular pose. Thanks


Robert Holguin
12-30-2011, 07:51 PM
Great shot. Love the pose and the lifted foot, great head angle, great light, and great background.Well done.

Tom Redd
12-30-2011, 09:56 PM
SId, nice to see you post again. I like the BG, not crazy about the perch, agree with the earlier comments. Since the tail is OOF, it isn't as distracting as it would be if in focus, I am okay with it. I look forward to seeing more posts from the trip.

Sid Garige
12-31-2011, 03:52 PM
Thanks Tom. Some more on the way... :)