View Full Version : Alien Face.

bhavya joshi
12-28-2011, 09:17 AM
Green Praying mantis Close up face. This was shot at morning.
Looks like alien ugly face..with sharp jaws.. I hear that after bread with male, female eat him...http://indiawilds.com/forums/images/smilies/ohmy.gif

I have read many interesting articals on this insects... Like. In France, people believed a praying mantis would point a lost child home. In Arabic and Turkish cultures, a mantis was thought to point toward Mecca. In Africa, the mantis was thought to brink good luck to whomever it landed on and even restore life to the dead. In the U.S. they were thought to blind men and kill horses. Europeans believed they were highly worshipful to god since they always seemed to be praying......
Check out this for more..The Female Praying Mantis: Sexual Predator or Misunderstood | Serendip's Exchange (http://indiawilds.com/forums/externalredirect.php?url=http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/node/1801)..

i don't know what is truth or fake... I just see.. that, this is nature..https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/383870_322504377779625_100000601962672_1232561_168 3070633_n.jpg

Shot With Canon 550D With 100mm Macro
SS: 200

Steve Maxson
12-30-2011, 12:27 PM
Hi Joshi. I've always been fascinated by praying mantises - even though they don't occur as far north as where I live. The way they can turn their heads to look at you makes them seem intelligent. Thanks for including some of the biological and cultural background information on these insects. Your image does a good job of capturing the alien look of its face. I would wish that the eyes were a bit sharper - the sharpest part of the image seems to be around its mouthparts. I would suggest cropping some from the top and right to move the head away from the center and closer to a rule-of-thirds position. You might also try brightening the image overall a little. :S3: It looks like you are continuing to have fun with your new gear so keep those images coming!

Ken Childs
12-31-2011, 10:50 AM
Hi Joshi, mantises are one of my favorite subjects because as Steve mentioned, they have the look of something intelligent and they appear to be very curious. They have personality!
Steve already covered the suggestions I would have made but I'm curious to know how this was lighted. It seems odd that the left antenna shows up but the right one disappears into the BG.

bhavya joshi
01-01-2012, 10:46 AM
Hi Joshi, mantises are one of my favorite subjects because as Steve mentioned, they have the look of something intelligent and they appear to be very curious. They have personality!
Steve already covered the suggestions I would have made but I'm curious to know how this was lighted. It seems odd that the left antenna shows up but the right one disappears into the BG.

Thanks Ken For comment.. I have taken this mantis shot at morning in shadow with flash on, F:16. And I want to take full close up of mantis.. And When I darken This image little Right antenna vanished.. I know the antenna will be cut. but My main focus on Mantis pose the way its giving.. Hope You understand ...