View Full Version : Spring Griz

Todd Frost
12-17-2011, 05:06 PM
It's been way to long since I have posted anything. Have had some legal issues that made it so posting on a public forum was not advised (L&I). I have been around seeing all the great images posted and have noticed us North Americans have been slacking with our wildlife:w3.

D300, 400 2.8 w/1.4 tc, 1/400, f4.5, iso800, man exp, tripod.

Comments and critiques appreciated.


12-17-2011, 05:31 PM
I really like the DOF you had here and I like the branches framing the bear.
A bit of a look up would have been nice.

gail bisson
12-17-2011, 06:20 PM
Very very nice. I like the comp very much and the lifted paw and upward gaze. Because he is looking up I am OK with the head position. Lovely IQ as evidenced in the fur details. I would lower the brightness on the reverse u shaped log.

Harshad Barve
12-17-2011, 11:48 PM
nice pose , compo & IQ here , look at those claws , excellent

Ken Watkins
12-18-2011, 01:20 AM

I am going to be odd one out so far, and say that this looks a little "strange" to me. The fur looks to have an odd colour in particular around the head, but then I am not at all familiar with the colours of Bears, other than Polar and Sloth.

Did you by any chance use Nik filters on this?

Steve Kaluski
12-18-2011, 06:13 AM
Hey Todd, good to see you back, it's been too long.

Looks like a good size Grizzly in prime condition and I like the rich tones of the coat, that impressive hump, and those massive paws, a bear on a mission certainly. It appears the light might not have been on your side so congrats on nailing this, good choice in using the tripod too. Good detail and as Gail mention, the raised paw certainly adds to the image.

BTW, is this FF or a crop?

Steve :wave:

Todd Frost
12-18-2011, 01:50 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone. Ken, there are many different color phases of grizzlies and this particular boar has the blondest head of any that I have photographed. I have images of him (to be posted later) with his head up and what little light there was showing even more of the golden blonde. This was a late afternoon image so that may be a contributing factor as well. Steve, this image is cropped from horizontal (oof tree distraction removed). I will be posting some near full frame horizontals later, he came close enough that I grabbed my bear spray and put my 12 year old back in the jeep (his first Yellowstone trip).


Steve Kaluski
12-18-2011, 02:01 PM
Thanks for the info Todd, I guess he was just curious, I trust you didn't have any food with you. :bg3: Pepper spray does the job, but hopefully as a last resort. Look forward to the rest in the series.


Todd Frost
12-18-2011, 02:22 PM
Nope no food, there was a sow in the area as well (that spring fling thing):Whoa!:. She actually made things a bit interesting at one point.

Morkel Erasmus
12-18-2011, 04:56 PM
A lovely bear and good to see you posting again Todd...I do hope your "legal issues" are a thing of the past?? :e3
I wonder if you can play with opening up the shadowy fur detail a bit? Or lift overall levels as it seems just a tad underexposed?

Marc Mol
12-18-2011, 11:34 PM
The uplifted paw and huge claws really enhance this big guy Todd, well done.

Ken Watkins
12-19-2011, 05:47 AM

Thanks for your explanation of the colour issues I raised, I thought it would probably as a result of my complete ignorance of bears:w3

Todd Frost
12-21-2011, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the comments Morkel and Marc. No problem Ken, I'd be in the same boat on your African wildlife:w3.
