View Full Version : Standing Tall

Kenn Christensen
04-05-2008, 09:30 AM
I was sitting in my office one day and noticed this grouse outside my window so I picked up the camera that is always sitting right there (for just such an event) and started to shoot. the angle is a bit above but because its also a steep hill its a bit less noticeable. The thick leaves and other cover often obscurred parts of him but briefly he was in the open and I got this shot.. Maybe I should have made a small noise or something to get a bit more head turn though... although I suppose I could do some birdenstein work and rip off this head and put on another.... lol.. but really I prefer to just get a better shot.. though Ive not had an oppurtunity since this time. Grouse are not common here (too much mature forest) and they are in a down cycle besides....
canon 20D
500mm F4 IS
1/30 (omg! handheld? I got pretty lucky)
ISO 400

Fabs Forns
04-05-2008, 01:59 PM
Lucky you, I've never even see one...

Besides the head angle mentioned by you, we need a bit more real estate at the bottom :)
Nice colors!

Steve Maxson
04-05-2008, 02:19 PM
Pretty lucky indeed at that shutter speed! I'm amazed that at f/4 both the head and the wingtips are in focus. I agree with Fabs that more room at the bottom would have been nice as the feet are cut off. I note some cloning artifacts in the background along the left edge and "northwest" of the head.

Kenn Christensen
04-05-2008, 03:30 PM
thanks for the comments... yeah it was a pretty tight shot... they are fair sized birds.. and he WAS that close...
as for the cloning artifacts.. I think I see what your talking about.. but I cant remember cloning anything out of the shot... the area was clear of underbrush (the trafic has removed it.. particularly the deer).... but I suppose I could remove those spots.. Im not sure why I didnt to start with.. but then this was a while ago.. and who knows.. Im more meticulous now...

Robert Smith
04-05-2008, 03:34 PM
Yep, more room at the bottom would have been good, but I'd be happy if it were mine! Grouse usually don't cooperate with me! Congrats on the capture.