View Full Version : Lions & Buffalo ( Graphic ! )

Kiran Khanzode
11-11-2011, 12:47 PM
Along with his brother, he had attacked a large male Cape Buffalo earlier that morning. His hindquarter was removed and they slept nearby, waiting for him to bleed to death. 8+ hours later, he did die, eventually, and they started to feed on him. The next morning, all that remained 50 yards away from where it happened...was the rib cage.

Interestingly, the strategy is very similar to how a Tiger attacks a Gaur (Indian Bison)...

Canon 1Dmk4, 300 mm @ 3.2, ISO 400.


Grant Atkinson
11-11-2011, 12:57 PM
Kiran, for my own ends I am not the biggest fan of images of really gory feeding sightings, but this one is much more than that. You have almost managed to avoid most of the gore with your shooting angle, and shot really tight to simplify the composition. What really makes it for me is the second lion filling the background. Excellent work all around.

Tom Graham
11-11-2011, 02:35 PM
Agree with all Grant says, especially the background lion.

Ken Watkins
11-11-2011, 10:57 PM
Kiran, Great shot I think I would have prefered a little more romm especially at the top. The BG Lion adds rather than detracts.

Rachel Hollander
11-14-2011, 09:26 AM
Kiran - Great detail and excellent comp. I too think that the 2nd lion filing the bg really adds to this image, particularly that the eyes are visible. Very well done.


Stan Cunningham
11-14-2011, 02:23 PM
This is a fantastic shot, a carnivore doing what carnivores do, killing and eating meat. I agree with all the comments above.
I'll only add the intensity in his eyes is very evident, and your light was great. Super capture.

Kiran Khanzode
11-14-2011, 09:38 PM
Appreciate the feedback, folks . I did want to choose a frame from the sighting to depict the scene without showing too much of the gore. Glad to hear that this frame came close to that. :wave:


Morkel Erasmus
11-15-2011, 05:05 PM
I can only echo what's been said Kiran! I think the eyes of the BG lion peeping over the buffalo carcass adds a lot...

11-15-2011, 07:50 PM
Very dramatic. Like the red on the face and the fact you can see some of the carcass.

Harshad Barve
11-28-2011, 08:54 PM
Dramatic image , good enough to spend few $$ in London :w3