View Full Version : Gulf Coast Post BP Deep Water Horizon & Advocacy

Chris Korman
10-19-2011, 11:50 PM
I have recently come across the youtube channel for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (http://www.youtube.com/user/LabofOrnithology#g/u) and saw some of their documentation of the disaster that occurred in the gulf coast region as a result of the Deep Water Horizon incident. It seems like the outer barrier islands/coastal regions were affected by the oil contamination and resulted in harm to the bird/wildlife/ecosystem. They indicate in their videos that the region's ubiquitous bird life is indicative of the region's latent nutrient/food supply fed largely by the nexus of the Mississippi river and Gulf waters.

I was thinking about whether or not people on these forums can still see the effects brought on by the oil spill, possibly visible evidence of oiled birds and beaches/inland waterways. Or if there the signs of environmental distress might be less visible?

I have not seen much talked about the lingering effects of the spill in the media, it seems to have fallen off their "news cycle".

It seems that not-with-standing the effects of the oil spill in the gulf region the area is also suffering from the effects of the large scale loss of the sea/barrier island/brackish/fresh-water zones due to the Mississippi water being channeled/diverted in such a manner that sediments are no longer able to replenish these zones.

I was also thinking about the extent to which nature photographers can contribute (and it what forms) to keep the spotlight on the gulf (perhaps before & after photos? or linking photos with Ornithology Lab for documentation/reporting?). I don't know if BPN has a advocacy division but I would be interested in hearing if there is such a venue.