View Full Version : wigeon

Randy Bronkema
10-11-2011, 07:47 PM
Here's a Wigeon from the sanctuary on last Sat. AM. I really like the color reflection in the water. looks like I missed a few floating feathers in the water. Nikon D300s 400mm f2.8 w/1.7 ext. Induro 413 tripod with a gimbel head C C would be great. I also have on of the Wigeon landing that I may post, it's not the greatest but I would kinda like some feed back on ....

Daniel Cadieux
10-11-2011, 09:23 PM
Beautiful water, and a nice profile pose by the wigeon. Lovely reflection, even with the double eye:S3:. The piece of grass and dripping water add some interest. I do find the image a bit on the cyan/blue side of things. In PS "Color Balance" you can judisciously add some reds and yellows to see if that negates this. I also find the bird itself to be dark...exposure can be tricky as the whites are already blown and some blacks blocked. In this situation some fill flash would have helped IMO.

Mital Patel
10-11-2011, 11:02 PM
Beautiful shot.
Tad tight visible framing. the droplet adds well here.

Randy Stout
10-12-2011, 07:26 AM

A good looking fellow with good comments from Daniel and Mital. Nice color and texture in water, grass/drip a plus.
You might be able to regain some detail in the whites with either a multiply or linear burn blend mode on those areas. Did you do any work on the whites yet?

Nice that you saw him. I went the next day, no luck.



Randy Bronkema
10-12-2011, 08:43 AM
Thanks for all of the comments I do see a slight cyan cast to it now No Ranady I have not worked the whites at all. The only thing that I have done to it was ajust in curvers and levels and lighten the head some

Note for Randy I need some help with focus calibration on my lens I know that they are off my 400mm seems soft all the time

Thanks all

Gary Esman
10-12-2011, 05:31 PM
Here's a Wigeon from the sanctuary on last Sat. AM. I really like the color reflection in the water. looks like I missed a few floating feathers in the water. Nikon D300s 400mm f2.8 w/1.7 ext. Induro 413 tripod with a gimbel head C C would be great. I also have on of the Wigeon landing that I may post, it's not the greatest but I would kinda like some feed back on ....

Hey Randy, good to see again Saturday morning! Your lens may need calibration, but I did a quick sharpening using the photoshop technique we were discussing there. Also ran a quick multiply layer that Randy suggested to help bring out some more of the whites. Good to see something new there. Take Care. Gary.

Arthur Morris
10-12-2011, 06:55 PM
A much better look to the image with Gary's repost so thank you sir for that. As presented in Pane 6 (and likely in the original post as well) the white speculum is toasted (overexposed). No amount of Linear Burning or Multiplying can restore detail to 255 WHITEs. Best to start over taking care with the WHITEs using the Recovery Slider to keep all the RGB values under 236.... I am betting that if you start over and convert correctly that the WHITEs here will be fine....

On a related topic saving the WHITEs on this species and revealing the detail in the darker areas with digital should not be a huge problem with an accurate exposure.... We teach folks to do it all the time at the wigeon pond in Socorro no matter the light... Strive for a very few blinkies in the speculum and you will be perfect...

Randy Bronkema
10-12-2011, 09:06 PM
I do like your rework better show a lot more detail Thanks Gary.... and you too Artie I'm always getting very good imput for everyone on this site. I'll go back and start over and see what I can get ...

Thanks for all of the comments

Arthur Morris
10-13-2011, 04:56 AM
Randy, There are several great tutorials on Saving the Whites in Educational Resources. Check them out first :).