View Full Version : MALABAR TROGON ( Female)

10-02-2011, 10:39 PM
Found it as beautiful as the male http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/showthread.php/84008-MALABAR-TROGON-Goa?highlight= , http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/showthread.php/87098-The-Phantom-of-our-Forests?highlight= , which were clicked during the same shoot .
Wished for a better HA , but it did not oblige .

Camera : Canon 1D Mk III
Lens : Canon 600 f4 IS , 2X TC
Aperture : f8
Shutters : 1/200
Speed : ISO 1250


Harshad Barve
10-02-2011, 11:13 PM
HA is not ideal but I know how difficult this bird is , excellent

Dumay de Boulle
10-03-2011, 12:35 AM
Man you get some beautiful birds, I am still waiting for my first sighting of our 'Narina Trogon'...HA not ideal but all other aspects look good.

Stu Bowie
10-03-2011, 09:44 AM
Rakesh, good DOF here, and you have captured excellent detail. Although as mentioned, not the best HA, it does appear that he is aware of you. :w3

10-03-2011, 11:32 AM
Awesome shot with a lovely BG and perch

Kaustubh Deshpande
10-03-2011, 12:39 PM
Rakesh, I am going to go out on a limb and say the HA does not bother me here. excellent details and gorgeous bird. The dappled light wasn't ideal for BG...it never is in those forests....but I like the light on the bird.