View Full Version : Ruby-Throated HB

CM Prince
09-19-2011, 06:28 PM
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Male</SPAN>
50-500mm L @ 380mm, f/14, 1/200, ISO 200, 3 flashed, tripod & remote</SPAN>

I look at almost every picture posted, trying to see how I can improve on the pictures I snap. In the past I just snapped pictures to remember the place or animal. I purchased Adobe PS-CS5, now I am trying to take better pictures also improve the one's I have.</SPAN>

I am sorry that I don't put comments on the pictures of others. They all look so good to me I don't know what to say. (Other than they look Great) I don't see the things that the others point out until they do it, then sometimes I still can't see it.

Maybe in the future I will be so I can see and comment on the pictures of others.
Until then I hope all of you will comment and tell me how to improve on the pictures I post.

Where is the best place for me to post (Avian or Eager to Learn) to get the most comments?


Thanks for comments good or bad.


09-19-2011, 07:12 PM
The body looks good to me, the head is dark and from 3 flashes, it should be brighter and more colorful.
You are getting quite a bit of motion blur in the tail, (the wings look fine to be, I don't mind some blur there) than you should from flash and tripod.
I don't know what your camera is, but you should be able to sync it at 1/250 at least and probably 1/320.
That would help.
I would try a bit lower f stop also, small apertures can look great with flash photos, but they are harder to do.
Hummingbirds are tough, keep trying.
If you can get a flower in the scene, that is also more appealing to me.

CM Prince
09-19-2011, 09:36 PM
Camera ia a Nikon D90

Arthur Morris
09-21-2011, 06:49 PM


I look at almost every picture posted, trying to see how I can improve on the pictures I snap. In the past I just snapped pictures to remember the place or animal. I purchased Adobe PS-CS5, now I am trying to take better pictures also improve the one's I have.

Good plan. That's what we are all trying to do.

I am sorry that I don't put comments on the pictures of others. They all look so good to me I don't know what to say. (Other than they look Great) I don't see the things that the others point out until they do it, then sometimes I still can't see it.

If you think an image is great, you can let us know why.....

Maybe in the future I will be so I can see and comment on the pictures of others.

Until then I hope all of you will comment and tell me how to improve on the pictures I post.

Where is the best place for me to post (Avian or Eager to Learn) to get the most comments?

You are fine posting in Avian. The very best way to get lots of comments is to comment on the images of others. Just look and see how many comments Arash and Daniel and Randy get.....

As for the image, I love the pose and the blurred wings with the head so sharp. There are some burned whites on the neck. You should be able to learn to use the Recovery slider to save them. For the repost I used Tim Grey dodge and burn on a layer to lighten the face and head.

You can improve your PS skills a stack by getting a copy of Digital Basics (https://store.birdsasart.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=252).

Arthur Morris
09-21-2011, 06:57 PM
ps: I missed removing one of the highlights in the eye.