View Full Version : Prison Cell II HDR

Arthur Morris
09-17-2011, 09:26 AM
Thanks to Denise and John Barclay for having me along to their Eastern State Penitentiary Workshop. It was too fun. Not sure which cell block this one was on....

Canon 15mm fisheye lens with the EOS-1D Mk IV. ISO 200. 7-frame AEB around -1 stop which was 1/250 sec. in f/8 in Av mode. Wimberley P-5 camera body plate, Giotto's tiny ballhead and the Gitzo 3530 LS.

Photomatix quasi-grunge HDR.

Don't be shy; all comments welcome.

ps: I think that Denise is leading a second Creative Photography workshop there....

Paul Lagasi
09-17-2011, 10:15 AM
The brick color, broken back wall gives so much ligh copared to he slit in ceiling, plants, the lonely stool ..... the former occupants would have wished for this much....lovely work, love the perpective the fish eye gives

denise ippolito
09-17-2011, 12:50 PM
I love your Photomatix quasi-grunge HDR. We had a great day at the prison, I can't wait to get back there. I am going to hunt down this shot!! Your endless knowledge and eagerness to share your creative views really added greatly to the workshop- so thanks. :S3:
If I get to capture this image this would be my vision for the image. As much as I like the wide view I'm not crazy about the clipped stuff on the left corner.

Arthur Morris
09-17-2011, 02:09 PM
Good stuff on the color and tonality; what did you do? I am torn about the crop from the left but I love that you built the grey wall taller to block out the sky. I tried very hard to do that in camera..... Thanks a stack Lady D.

Kerry Perkins
09-17-2011, 04:27 PM
Artie, super detail and colors here. Denise's repost kicks it up a notch. It takes a great eye to see the potential in these images, especially with the fisheye lens. Very cool!

John Storjohann
09-17-2011, 05:10 PM
End of the line...first thing that crossed my mind. I like both shots, the color and tone of the repost even more; if it were mine, I might darken the interior walls a bit more, to heighten the sense of drama and to increase the sense that freedom is just on the other side of the wall. I love how the warm, inviting tones of the broken wall leading to the outside are in such stark contrast to the cold tones of the interior walls...I might not have cropped quite so much from the image...the depth and length of the corridor heightens the sense of foreboding, although I do like the fact that the debris on the left was evicted in the process. Nicely done, Artie!

Andrew McLachlan
09-17-2011, 07:41 PM
Hi Arthur, great scene. Love Denise's repost that eliminates the clipped elements in the lower left. Looks like a cell block some inmates may have escaped from?:S3:

Cheryl Slechta
09-17-2011, 08:09 PM
Denise's repost with the crop and cloning in the wall over the little piece of sky looks great. It is interesting to make something that must have been grim into something that is bright and kind of cheery looking:S3:

Jay Sheinfield
09-18-2011, 09:53 AM
Another vote for the RP. Great colors and design. BTW, am I the only one bugged by that dried water mark looking thing in lower center edge, not quite enough to tell what is....Otherwise, a beautiful scene. Denise, eliminating the sky was a nice move!

Arthur Morris
09-18-2011, 10:00 AM
Another vote for the RP. Great colors and design. BTW, am I the only one bugged by that dried water mark looking thing in lower center edge, not quite enough to tell what is....Otherwise, a beautiful scene. Denise, eliminating the sky was a nice move!

No. What ticked me off orginally was that I failed to include all of each of them in the frame. And I had lots of room to do that. But it is hard to see as the cells are so dark. Lesson learned: next time check the COMP in Live View :e3

Jay Sheinfield
09-18-2011, 10:18 AM
Great shoulder-tap re Live View..I hardly ever use it. and I'm generally sorry later.:S3:

Indranil Sircar
09-18-2011, 11:11 AM
Artie, I love both versions. I think the combination of fisheye with wide angle tunnel view makes a very interesting composition. Adding a bit of dark vignette may take care of the clipped corners. Nicely seen and processed!