View Full Version : Hudsonian Godwit Wing Spread

Josh Clark
09-15-2011, 11:30 PM
This Hudsonian Godwit is the first I have captured and seen. It was taken up at Point Mouillee at the end of August.
I was accompanied by three good friends of mine and we were lucky enough to witness this shorebird.
I normally don't shoot wide open, however that particular morning I was working on action shots so I wanted as much shutter speed as I could get.
I would have liked to been stopped down more so, but it all worked out in the end. Thanks for looking.


Hudsonian Godwit- Point Mouillee, Michigan
7d, manual, 1/1000 @ f/5.6, ISO 400, 700mm (500mm f/4L + 1.4x), no fill flash used, taken at 9am.
Minor crop all the way around.

09-16-2011, 01:07 AM
Very nice photo Josh.
Good image quality, a nice wingspan, the water is really well done.
Nice light and color, no real critique from me, just well done.
Thanks for posting, a very nice image.

Tom Rambaut
09-16-2011, 02:36 AM
Nice colours and light - I would try a conventional 6 x 4 crop.

Randy Stout
09-16-2011, 09:55 AM

A big welcome to BPN and congrats on your first image post.

Nice low shooting angle, wing position,soft background.

In a perfect world, would prefer the head just a bit more our way. There are some specular reflections you might consider removing. Particularly the distinct one below the mid point of the bill at water level, and I might consider toning down the large soft one above the bill and to the right.

Thanks for joining us here on BPN. Please feel free and comment on other folks images .



Mital Patel
09-16-2011, 12:20 PM
Welcome to BPN community and you have a great start with superb image. the Shooting angle is really good. i am not a big lover of squarish crop so would wish to add a bit more space on right.