View Full Version : Whirlpool Bear

Rachel Hollander
09-08-2011, 08:12 PM
Revisited another image from Brooks Falls last year. This bear liked to sit in the froth just below the falls and dive for fish.

Canon 50D
100-400 @ 375mm
ISO 320
HH from platform, levels adjustment, selectively lightened eye slightly, sharpened in CS5.

C&C welcome and appreciated. Thanks,


Grant Atkinson
09-09-2011, 05:36 AM
Hi Rachel, like this a lot, enjoy the little light highlights in the bear's fur, and the total feeling of immersion I get when I view it. Detail looks good on the bear. The foam almost looks like snow at a glance, and that adds to the shot for me. One of my favourite bear shots of yours by far...well done

Harshad Barve
09-09-2011, 07:04 AM
This is lovely image Rachel , loved the water and bear pose

Brendon Cremer
09-09-2011, 07:22 AM
Great image, love the movement in the water, only nit for me would be the main focus point seems to be on the body of the bear rather than the face as it seem sharper?

Rachel Hollander
09-09-2011, 07:31 AM
Thanks Grant, Harshad and Brendon for the kind comments. Brendon - focus point is on edge of right eye and bridge of nose.


Stu Bowie
09-09-2011, 08:47 AM
Hi Rachel, your comp works well with the placement of the bear, and he stands out nicely from his foamy bath. Overall good fur detail, especially the 'fluffy' ears. This is one animal I would love to see one day.

Marina Scarr
09-09-2011, 08:13 PM
Love the foam and movement of the water, and the way he appears to be bathing. The bear's head looks a tad soft to my eyes.

Morkel Erasmus
09-10-2011, 02:16 PM
Like this Rachel! Looks like he's enjoying a jacuzzi :bg3:
I agree with Brendon as to how it appears the focus worked out, and if you say the focus points are on the nose/eye then I would think it's a sharpening effect? The wet fur can easily appear 'oversharpened' in relation to the face? :Whoa!:

Robert Amoruso
09-13-2011, 06:57 AM
Good comments above.

Rachel Hollander
09-13-2011, 07:44 AM
Thanks Stuart, Marina, Morkel and Robert, much appreciated and I'll take a look at the sharpening.
