View Full Version : Theme: Semipalmated Plover.

Karl Egressy
09-08-2011, 05:19 AM
On Tuesday morning I got up at 2 AM, left at 3 AM, crossed the border at Buffalo, drove 360 km plus (230 M)
just to be at the site at sunrise. I was there (Conneaut, Ohio) but there was no sun.
There was rain, cold and extremely strong wind.
Eventually the rain stopped, but still I could shoot only from the car most of the time.
Thanks for looking.

Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
Manual Exposure
Evaluative Metering
ISO 400
EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4x

gail bisson
09-08-2011, 05:25 AM
Holy cow Karl, you are dedicated! Lovely low angle. I might brighten the image a bit even though the brightness is probably true to real life with the conditions you encountered.Nice clean bill and good IQ.

Jim Fenton
09-08-2011, 08:26 AM

I love your images but this one has some issues to my eyes....

The BG and foreground almost looks as though you were shooting through heat shimmer as it has a funkly OOF characteristic to it?

Behind and to the right of the subjects head, there appears to be either OOF blobs or clone marks....I suppose it could be either?

Missing feet typically don't bother me but these being obstructed by stuff in the wrack line don't seem to work.

There are a few too many really bright white things on the beach and cleaning up the ones in front of the bird would help.

Were you working down slope or does this need CW rotation?

Sharpness and exposure on the bird looks great...I would have wished for a bit brighter eye and a highlight. Fill flash would have accomplished this I think?

Stu Bowie
09-08-2011, 10:27 AM
Karl, Ive been there too. Left my house with stars in the sky, only to arrive the other end in overcast conditions. Good angle on the plover, with nice DOF. I do like the colours on the top of your BG.

Raul Padilla
09-11-2011, 06:19 PM
great work in this dark and clear, not easy the balance