View Full Version : Theme Juvenile Baird's Sandpiper

Aidan Briggs
09-06-2011, 06:34 PM
Baird's Sandpipers are pretty rare around here so it was a treat to get this guy in some nice light. Taken handheld lying on the beach at a local creek mouth.

Canon 50D, 500mm f/4
1/1600 sec, f/7.1, ISO 400

gail bisson
09-06-2011, 06:41 PM
Lovely light and the BG is perfect. I love the two tone colors. I might rotate CW by a degree or two. I would have loved to see a bit more DOF so that the tail was sharp but that is a minor nit as I really like the image,

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
09-06-2011, 06:45 PM
I just love the low angle. I'm always drawn to images with ultra low angle. Where I normally shoot is impossible to get low, simply because it's illegal to do so. Love the image, BG, lighting and exposure are perfect.


Daniel Cadieux
09-06-2011, 06:52 PM
Now that is my kind of image!! Great low angle, and superb BG. I only wish the far end of the bird would have been swung over this way more to better show the tell-tale primaries extending beyond the tail (that would also have taken care of Gail's DOF issue). I get that tail-end pointing away often too with shorebirds as they slowly make their approach towards me. Super stuff!

Aidan Briggs
09-06-2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks all! Daniel as you noted, the angle is what caused the tail to be OOF; this happens to me quite often also!

Sidharth Kodikal
09-06-2011, 08:54 PM
Excellent low angle, light, and sharpness. The dual toned bg is mouth watering. A bit of CW rotation, and I'd remove the tiny bit there is on the top of the bill near the tip, just because this is such a clean image. Lovely work, Aidan!

Troy Lim
09-06-2011, 11:53 PM
Superb shot, I am ok with tail being OOF.

Robert Holguin
09-07-2011, 12:26 AM
Wonderful shot. Great low angle and lovely light. Well done.

Richard Unsworth
09-07-2011, 12:31 AM

Envious, doesnt get better than this, great work

ramesh anantharaman
09-07-2011, 03:33 AM
A perfect portrait. I love the low angle and BG. Overall superb.

christopher galeski
09-07-2011, 05:13 AM
very nice image,nice light,nice low angle,good BG,beautiful markings on the bird.thanks.

09-07-2011, 08:09 AM
Loved the creamy BG and the sharpness on the bird showing the details.

Bill Dix
09-07-2011, 09:35 AM
Congrats on getting this species. To get it with such lovely light, pose, BG and low shooting angle must have really made your day. Nice work. Another vote for CW rotation.

Craig Brelsford
09-07-2011, 10:06 AM
Good work. You saw what was at stake (rare bird), saw your opportunity, and went out and grabbed a fine image. Well worth getting low for.

Dumay de Boulle
09-07-2011, 01:02 PM
Very nice...I like everything about it...Nicely done

Ofer Levy
09-07-2011, 06:13 PM
Beautiful image! Great light, colours, shooting angle - superb!! If anything maybe a tiny CW rotation.

Jim Crosswell
09-07-2011, 07:11 PM
Great image Aidan! I like the low angle, sharpness and BG.

Tom Rambaut
09-07-2011, 09:32 PM
Great image - killer BG and light.

Blake Shadle
09-10-2011, 11:20 AM
Sweet!! I'll agree with Gail's CW rotation suggestion, but I'm personally not affected by the DOF... because my eyes never leaves your subject's eye. Very engaging. Very sharp. This is an image after my own heart. I've got a weak spot for gettin' low and dirty :D Well done.