View Full Version : Late Summer

Bill Dix
09-05-2011, 08:53 AM
OK. I know the perch is too big for the bird, the light is harsh, the sunflower has seen better days, and the bee's HA is off. But in a way these elements -- the strong sun, bright blue sky, aging flower and buzzing bee -- all combined to evoke a late summertime feel in my mind. Curious to hear others' comments.

D90 | 80-400 VR @ 330mm | ISO 400 | 1/500s @ f/9 | +1.0 EV | HH

Wheeler McDougal Jr.
09-05-2011, 10:57 AM
Bill, I very much like your image. All those drawbacks I think adds to my enjoyment. Sometimes the best images are in bright/contrasty sun. They just aren't availabel in the golden light of evening or morning. Keep it up.

Chris Baker
09-05-2011, 01:18 PM
I like it Bill, I also enjoyed your description, bees are so unobliging. Good detail , exp and comp. I bet it'll be suggested to swat the bee and find a better perch :w3

Mitch Carucci
09-05-2011, 02:30 PM
Wonderful pic. Says late Summer to me! Love the colors, and the worn sunflowers. But the bee's HA is really disturbing :S3:.

Alan Murphy
09-05-2011, 02:49 PM
Agree with your self assessment. Wish for some fill flash. The blue sky is just sweet.

Kaustubh Deshpande
09-05-2011, 04:24 PM
Bill, I like it a lot. very good perspective of the sizes. A better light angle wud have improved this....but as-is, its quite excellent.

Karl Egressy
09-05-2011, 06:51 PM
I fully agree with you Bill except one; it is yearning for fill flash.

Bill Dix
09-05-2011, 07:57 PM
Thanks to all. I agree that some fill flash would have been a good idea. This had not been intended as a photo shoot. My wife and grandson were headed to a local farm to see the animals, and on the spur of the moment, I grabbed the camera and went along for the ride. I didn't have the whole kit with me and just happened to see this shot while I was watching butterflies among the zinnias. Next time I'll grab the flash. I appreciate the comments.

laurie golden
09-05-2011, 11:14 PM

I like your photo a lot. And agree with all suggestions - like fill flash. You have included two very nice looking sunflowers and it is nice to see them in contrast with the one that the goldfinch prefers -the one with the ripe seeds.