View Full Version : Willet in the foam

Mitch Carucci
08-09-2011, 03:53 PM
Willet at dawn in sea foam...

Perhaps looking for Aphrodite?

D7000 + Sigma 150-500mm.

Daniel Cadieux
08-09-2011, 07:02 PM
I like the foam and the way the light is hitting it...but there is just too much of it at bottom. Cropping away about half the space at bottom would strenghten the comp IMO. Did you destaurate the Willet?

gail bisson
08-09-2011, 07:10 PM
It looks like you almost made this a black and white. Did you desaturate the colors? I really like the feel of this and would crop some off the bottom,

08-09-2011, 09:28 PM
I would also crop some off the bottom, the light is great, the bird is sharp and the Dof is pretty nice. An easy fix for
a really nice photo.

08-10-2011, 02:34 AM
I like the idea and it works, agree with Dan regarding tighter crop in the bottom.