View Full Version : Time to fly..

bhavya joshi
08-03-2011, 07:55 AM
There was cloudy low light day. Do not get much light in inbuilt flash and More ISO..Macro of these dragonfly not possible..even I try but don't get clear shots...so i tried some new composition and experiments on these fly, without light.Try to take shots with some distances with all angles.. cropped 20% and And Apply Sepia..
I first Prefer B/W on this but not satisfied..
With Canon 550D-18-55mm
SS: 1/4000
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/224576_254301841266546_100000601962672_990553_4462 465_n.jpg

Roman Kurywczak
08-03-2011, 08:57 AM
Hey Joshi,
I really like that you are starting to look and "work" your subjects! It shows that you are progressing. I do like your choice here too! I would have preferred if the wings weren't intersecting the perch.....but the sky is fantastic but you may consider lightening the ULC to more closely match the rest tonally. The center comp isn't my favorite....but I think the clouds on the RH side are fantastic.......so wouldn't want to crop them out! Nice thinking on this and I do feel you handled it well!

Steve Maxson
08-03-2011, 08:36 PM
Hi Joshi. Nice job of adapting to circumstances in the field and a good job of being creative in post processing. The dragonfly silhouette and the sepia toning on the clouds give this a moody/stormy feel. I would like to see the dragonfly more to the right in the frame, but like Roman says, it's hard to crop those interesting clouds. :S3: Well done.

christopher galeski
08-04-2011, 05:17 AM
nice idea,love the BG,as already been said about the wings intersecting the perch,but maybe next time,nice try,well done.