View Full Version : Very Loud Willet

Rich Ikerd
03-30-2008, 10:40 AM
Very Loud Willet, Fort Desoto County Park, Florida
D2X, 200-400 VR w/1.7 TC @ 650mm, f/6.7 @ 1/1000sec, iso 200

One of the very cooperative willets from a recent visit to Ft. DeSoto. Wasn't much else around that day (the winds were up a bit), but a day out taking photos is a lot better than a day at the real job.

James Salywoda
03-30-2008, 10:59 AM
Nice calling pose Rich I might be temted to clone out the dark line in the upper rt. corner.

Maxis Gamez
03-30-2008, 01:34 PM
Hi Rich,

The colors are very vivid on this one. Not sure if the colors are off but the water looks very unreal.

Rich Ikerd
03-30-2008, 02:34 PM
Hi Rich,

The colors are very vivid on this one. Not sure if the colors are off but the water looks very unreal.

I agree Maxis, but I haven't done anything to the image other than some slight curves adjustment, and sharpening. The conversion to sRGB seems to always boost the saturation of the images (especially in the blues and cyans) sometimes to a point where they appear not quite real. Even decreasing the saturation doesn't always help. I am definitely open for suggestions, 'cause I've tried just about everything I've read about get my color management correct (no problems in other areas).:confused:

03-30-2008, 03:47 PM
Rich, I've seen your printed version and the colors look much more realistic. By the way, what did you do to this little guy to upset him so? :)

You said you convert to sRGB, have you tried just leaving it in AdobeRGB?

Fabs Forns
03-30-2008, 06:09 PM
I think we are looking at Nikon blue :) sRGB is OK

Great action, Rich, would like more room at bottom and left if you have it.
Love the little tongue sticking out.

Rich Ikerd
03-31-2008, 03:48 PM
I think we are looking at Nikon blue :) sRGB is OK

Thanks Fabs, but this vivid blue definitely has something to do with my conversion for web posting. My print of this definitely has a more muted blue (something way more than can just be attributed to the difference between paper and screen viewing). Not sure what is causing it since I think I have the right workflow, but I'm going to continue searching out a solution (at least until I get too frustrated).