View Full Version : Theme Juvenile Female Hooded Merganser (I think)

Melissa Groo
07-21-2011, 12:41 PM
Canon 7D
500mm f/4 + 1.4
Standing, handheld

1/800 sec
ISO 500

While out traipsing around a local wetlands here in upstate NY a few days ago, I stumbled upon this duck that at first glance I was sure was a grebe. But the bill was wrong. After some research at home, I think it's a juvenile female hooded merganser.
This was a quick grab, as she flew off after only a few shots. And my camera was on the tripod, but the tripod was set up for low shooting, and the reeds between me and this bird were high, so I was standing holding camera and tripod up high, shooting. Not the best set up, I know, but I had little time.
Some darkening of bright vegetation, some clean up in water, levels work, NR, sharpening.
I hope you enjoy it! Your comments and critiques are much appreciated.

Don Lacy
07-21-2011, 01:00 PM
Very nice, i really like the green water and how the habitat gives a nice sense of place without being a distraction

Chad Caswell
07-21-2011, 01:39 PM
Oh :2eyes2: at first I thought you said... While out trespassing around a local wetlands... :bg3::bg3::bg3:

What a nice environment shot Melissa, I too like the green water and you did a wonderful job in PP

Only nit would be the right edge where a reed got in your way I'm sure.. :w3

Nicki Gwynn Jones
07-21-2011, 01:45 PM
Melissa, I particularly like the softness that the right edge brings to the image! I love the reflection too. Is it just me or does the image need levelling ever so slightly :eek:

Roman Kurywczak
07-21-2011, 01:56 PM
Hey Melissa,
Chad caught the RH edge I was going to comment on but it is very minor to the overall look and appeal of the image. I do think Nicki is correct on the rotation.....line up the bill and reflection.....but again....tricky as water is moving and might throw that off. Worth looking into though. My only real recommendation is to clean up the stem coming from the head.....brighter green.....that will be the finishing touch to an excellent image.

Stu Bowie
07-21-2011, 02:31 PM
Melissa, you have done exceptionally considering what you had to go through to get this 'grab' shot. The angle looks good, as does the HA. The duck does pop from the surrounding foliage, and the rotation looks ok from here.

Grace Scalzo
07-21-2011, 02:36 PM
Girl, you must have some upper body strength to be able to hold up the camera, lens and tripod and create such a nice image. Just the right amount of environment, and I love the subject. Might it be a juvie, based on the scalloped, fresh looking breast feathers???

Melissa Groo
07-21-2011, 02:51 PM
Ha! Grace, you're funny. The truth is, looking back, I'm not quite sure how I did that! And yes, I too think it's a juvenile, for sure. Would love confirmation by a bird expert.
As for the leveling, I tweaked it just a bit per the advice, and it does look better.
Roman, good suggestion on the line coming out of the head, will deal with that.
Thanks to all for the comments and suggestions.

christopher galeski
07-22-2011, 05:06 AM
very nice image,loverly lighting,like the green water,thanks.

Arthur Morris
07-23-2011, 04:37 AM
Colors, design, setting, and bird loverly. And surely a juvie with the neat feather edges. Not sure about sexing the juvies.... Fine detail seems to be lacking.