View Full Version : There are other worlds than these

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
07-13-2011, 11:52 PM
Nancy's Tiny sage forest reminded me of this shot I took a couple of years ago...


(the full quote is "Go then. There are other worlds than these." Stephen King from The Gunslinger, The Dark Tower Book 1)

This is a macro shot of a very misted spider web. The individual droplets become small (essentially fisheye) lenses which are reflecting other droplets. I can't tell you how long it took me to figure that out.

Nancy, I think any hanging drop will do as a lens, the trick is focus and of course what you see through it :w3.



denise ippolito
07-14-2011, 06:54 AM
Very cool effect Michael. I like the way the drops seems to wrap around the image. Nice image for this weeks theme!

Roman Kurywczak
07-14-2011, 10:12 AM
Pretty wild Michael! The drops do look other worldy! I would just tone down the ULC.

Paul Lagasi
07-14-2011, 11:22 AM
Cool image, to me the brighter ones look, like a bunch of little eyes..agree about top corner..well done

Brendan Dozier
07-14-2011, 09:32 PM
Great looking macro image and composition, Michael. Water drops create very nice pattern and contrast nicely against the greens of BG. Like how you don't really see any of the web, drops just seem to be suspended. Very pleasing and relaxing to the eye and pano works well. Nice work!

Judy Howle
07-14-2011, 10:35 PM
It is a micro macro world. I love the drops and the nice composition and colors. Nice job with the focus!

Kerry Perkins
07-14-2011, 11:00 PM
Really cool Michael. Reminds me of lots of little eyes under water! Good job with the technical issues!

Nancy Bell
07-15-2011, 08:23 AM
Wow! I had no idea what this could be until I read the text. I really like the how the bright dew drops drift up like rising bubbles, adding depth to this micro world.

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
07-18-2011, 10:33 AM
Denise, Roman, Paul, Brendan, Judy, Kerry, Nancy,

Greetings. Thanks much for your very appreciated comments. I agree with toning down the ULC. It's funny with this shot... the first one I saw completely confused me as to what I was seeing and when I figured it out I went and shot some more :w3 ...

