View Full Version : Wolf Snake

bhavya joshi
07-11-2011, 11:10 AM
I am Happy to post my first image, which I captured, with New Dslar....:bg3:

Wolf Snake (Lycodon capucinus) Of Bandiyabeli Reserve forest(India)
It`s a glossy slender snake having a pear-shaped depressed head and its eyes are black. Its tongue is pinkish. Its neck is constricted. Its tail is about one-fifth to one-sixth of its total length. The color and markings of the snakes even in the same variety vary.

This is Adult snake, and eye are blue because molting process should be starting in couple of days..
With Happy to write Canon 550D,18-55mm:S3:
Shutter speed: 1/60
Thank you For Watching.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/261350_242608252435905_100000601962672_943325_5140 908_n.jpg

Dave Leroy
07-11-2011, 03:37 PM
Very well done and good for you to get going with the new equipment. Have fun.

Nicely focused. I might have a look at upping the ISO to 400 or more to get a bit more dof and/or ss. In this case i think a bit more dof would have been nice.

I also might crop a bit from left to move the snake off centre a bit more.

Looking forward to more.


Roman Kurywczak
07-11-2011, 05:09 PM
Hey Joshi,
Very good advice from Dave above on the ISO for more DOF......I try to set mine as high as I can push the camera when working in the field.....one less thing to worry about. Still a nice effort overall and congrats on the new gear!!!

Brendan Dozier
07-12-2011, 08:41 AM
Very nice, Joshi! Cool looking snake and like the details on the head and eyes. Good suggestions from Dave & Roman. Congratulations on your new camera!

bhavya joshi
07-12-2011, 08:41 AM
Thanks For comment.. Roman And Dave.. And What you thinking about white balance in this image is it true..??:w3

Steve Maxson
07-12-2011, 09:43 AM
Hi Joshi. It looks like you're having fun with the new gear! Nice sharpness around the front of the head and I like the low, head-on shooting angle. Good advice about increasing ISO (In the field I usually set mine at 400.) to get more DOF and shutter speed. I was wondering about the cloudy look of the eyes, but it makes sense if the snake is about to shed its skin. If this was mine, I would probably clone some of the specular highlights. You are in the best position to judge the white balance as you were there to take the photo (I usually have mine set on Auto White Balance - and correct later in Photoshop, if needed.). As I'm sure you are aware, the color balance can change significantly depending on the quality of the light. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work using the new gear. :S3: