View Full Version : American Robin on sumac

John Chardine
03-28-2008, 06:13 PM
I am so much looking forward to spring, more than most years this year. We have had deep winter since the beginning of December 2007.

Suddenly, in my neck of the woods, things are happening! Today I heard Mourning Doves calling, blackbirds are back and Song Sparrows are singing in the snow. But we can't forget one of our commonest birds- The American Robin. I had several today feeding on my sumac tree. It is not a preferred bird food and lasts the onslaught of the finches over the winter, only to be discovered by the robins in spring time. The Robins we have around right now are very dark breasted males and are probably destined for Newfoundland.

This is a first attempt this season. I will likely post more under better conditions.

40D, 100-400mm @400. 1/125s, F8, +1 stop, from RAW, 25% crop.

Stephen Stephen
03-28-2008, 07:22 PM
John nice pose on this bird. I would prefer to see a larger version of this image to better appreciate it. I like how the colour in the upper sumac is fairly close to the robin's breast colour.

Arthur Morris
03-28-2008, 08:23 PM
With another stop of light, this one might have been spectacular. Try this next time you have a white sky: meter the sky, add three stops, and make an image. If you have a few flashing highlights in the sky, the bird will be perfect. If not, add a bit more light.

later and love, artie

Rene Quenneville
03-28-2008, 08:25 PM
Nice picture! A little fill flash would have helped to bring more light to the head. I am also ready for summer!

Linda Robbins
03-28-2008, 08:52 PM
Nice pose and the colors throughout are complimentary. The snow on the sumac is lovely. This is a good example of an image that has the bird centered, but works very well because of the diagonal line created by the sumac.

Judy Lynn Malloch
03-29-2008, 08:05 AM
Very pleasing composition John and I like the contrasting colors in this capture. The above comments have covered it all. Many thanks for sharing.