View Full Version : Killdeer

Jeff Sorbie
06-20-2011, 03:30 PM
This Killdeer is nesting in the parking lot where I work in Kanata, Ontario.

Sony A700 + Sigma 120 - 400
1/640, f6.3, ISO400, 400mm

Austin Thomas
06-20-2011, 06:46 PM
I like the eye contact here Jeff and the sharpness is exactly where it needs to be.

I would have preferred either more DOF to bring the tail feathers into focus or a different angle to have the bird parallel to the sensor.



Bob Pelkey
06-20-2011, 07:41 PM
The eyes of this species as captured here are extremely captivating.
The beak open is a plus. Had you considered taking some off the top?
Would like to see more room to the left. I wouldn't object to the
unnaturally colored object in the image given a more earthly tone.

Daniel Cadieux
06-20-2011, 07:44 PM
I wonder where you spend your coffee breaks!! Great opportunity you have there. The HA looks great for the body angle you have, and I like the calling pose - although it looks a bit alarmed. I imagine thit is standing on the concrete parking lot's curb? Not sure what the dark green object is, but wish it wasn't there. Looks like you may have blurred the BG, and a bit of "bleeding" has occured on the head of the killdeer from masking.

Jeff Sorbie
06-20-2011, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the comments Austin & Bob. I have a few others of this little one I will post tomorrow. I couldnt get to close due to the nest...I do love how it fakes a broken wing to get you away from its nest. I also would have liked to remove that green thing in the BG but could not get to it...Photoshop skills lacking a bit but will try to remove it. I love it's eyes..

Jeff Sorbie
06-20-2011, 07:52 PM
Thanks Daniel. Yes it was a bit alarmed due to all the action in the parking lot. It makes a lot of noise when people are getting in or out of their cars. Yes thats the curb...tried to crop that out as much as possible...hard to get low in your work clothes...