View Full Version : Before the storms

Hilary Hann
06-12-2011, 03:40 AM
It has been a long time since I have had any inspiration for my art and this is the first attempt for some months. There is a portrait photographer whose work I admire greatly, but it is dark and I have had in mind for some time to use his work for inspiration. For some reason I want to express the darkness surrounding the future of wildlife and wilderness areas and this next body of work I am doing will probably be along that theme. Interested in whether you all think it is too dark?

Textured composite on base image of storm clouds over the Masai Mara. Almost ff length (small crop from left for balance), cropped top and bottom to make a more pano image. All C&C welcome, especially before I produce a whole portfolio of darkness!! :t3

Steve Kaluski
06-12-2011, 04:38 AM
A very arresting image for me Hilary.

The darkness & medium chosen I feel gives it substance/atmosphere and because it is so 'minimal' in content, yet vast in the expanse, I like this, as we can ALL see things differently in it. Colour tones work well to.

For me it's a great departure from your normal postings and perhaps answers some of your OWN questions? Could see this working in a large hotel lobby. :S3:

Sorry, don't normally venture here, just curious. :w3


Hilary Hann
06-12-2011, 08:05 AM
Hi Steve and thanks for venturing into this pond. For me, it has been one of the joys of photography and of the digital dark room to be able to create artworks of the wilderness that I see in my mind. It was something I found hard in a traditional darkroom and something which I never had the skills to manage with oils and canvas. After many years I have found a medium which works for me, however, and it is a big however, I believed that my base images and pp skills needed to improve and that is why I spend so much time trying to be a better wildlife and landscape photographer. I envy some of the photographers whose work I see in the wildlife forum and one day I hope to have a few images which can stand alongside those, but in the meantime I just chisel away at my craft.

As far as this image goes, I have been asked to submit a few images to a jury for an art book so I have been given the incentive to push myself.

Thanks for the feedback as I know that it isn't your usual kind of thing and now you have seen my 'dark' side there will be no hiding! :bg3:

Steve Kaluski
06-12-2011, 08:19 AM
Oils & canvas in a darkroom sounds fun Hilary. :bg3:

Perhaps we get too tight in areas we feel comfortable in and this would be a good venture, as it really has endless possibilities and no real restraints and as I said, may answer some of your thoughts, wishes & at times frustrations. This to me has a very much a 'mood' feel, however the test will be building the series and the choice of images and stock to print on (texture), as that is also key to the overall message to the recipient IMHO.

Printed as single leaves, heavy stock with a texture with interleaving 'onion skin' paper, hard cover, two brass rivets bolting it all together, I can see it now, oops, sorry folks, drifting off into a past life...


Hilary Hann
06-12-2011, 08:37 AM
Leather cover I hope!!!!

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
06-12-2011, 09:13 AM

Greetings. I like the feel of the image. The darkness is a bit hard to judge on the computer screen... I wonder if it might be too dark as a print, but on the screen it works for me. I'm less wild about what looks like color noise... I used "clean color" at about 30 in Topaz DeNoise 5:


I so enjoy seeing your work.



Cheryl Slechta
06-12-2011, 09:31 AM
Hilary, I loved everything about this but the color noise which Michael seems to have taken care of:S3:
I like the sense of how fragile the giraffes look in such a wide, forboding landscape. I think it will make a very thoughtful series - I can hardly wait to see more.

Indranil Sircar
06-12-2011, 10:06 AM
Hilary, agree with all that has been said. I like the mood depicting stark realities. The lone tree and the giraffes symbolizes what is left of it... wonderful work and can't wait to see more.

Judy Howle
06-12-2011, 12:44 PM
I like the composition and concept very much. I think it might be a bit dark especially since prints tend to be darker than when viewed on the screen. I also think the texture might be scaled back a bit with lowered opacity as to me it tends to overpower considering the small size of the giraffes and trees.

Hilary Hann
06-12-2011, 05:07 PM
Thanks everyone. I'll tend to the noise and do a test print to check whether it will present too dark or not. Appreciate the feedback very much.

Christopher Miller
06-12-2011, 08:38 PM
Very interesting and thought-provoking image, Hilary. I like it. The texture and toning add a lot to the feel, and it looks much better without the color noise. Nicely done.

Mark Fuge
06-13-2011, 09:14 AM
Very nice image and application, Hilary.

My first impression was as noted by others, the noise. But I also see that as adding to the feel of the troubled image. The size perspective of the Giraffes is perfect, for the theme. I would hold off on the noise, if it were mine, until I printed it on good stock.

As for the darkness, if it prints, it's great!

Really like the theme and the image of this. Keep it going. :5

Wish I could just be there to take this image ... If I could! :e3

Steve Kaluski
06-13-2011, 09:26 AM
Been interesting to see the thoughts and how the thread develops on this Hilary. However, I am with Mark re 'The Noise' as it is part & parcel for me of the image and its feel. Now if this had been shot on film... :S3:

Brendan Dozier
06-13-2011, 11:24 AM
Hilary, I really like the dark moody feel to this and atmosphere captured. It does a good job communicating your concept. They look overwhelmed and on the run. Think the levels are just about right, and I also look forward to see more. Next weeks theme is "Atmospheres".:S3:

Hilary Hann
06-13-2011, 03:26 PM
I am getting such good feedback here that I can't thank you all enough. I think I'll print a test on art paper and assess the noise and detail for a final edit then. There are some beautiful art papers with really good black reproduction so I have fingers crossed.

I'm half way through the next image which is telling me that it wants to be brighter. We shall see who wins, the photo or the photographer!!

Andrew McLachlan
06-13-2011, 04:04 PM
Hilary, a very nice comp. Agree with previous comments. I am leaning towards liking Michael's repost a little more than the original.

Hilary Hann
06-13-2011, 07:17 PM
Thank you Andrew. :S3:

Maureen Allen
06-13-2011, 11:12 PM
Hilary, this is absolutely gorgeous.

Hilary Hann
06-13-2011, 11:27 PM
Thanks Maureen, appreciate the comment. :S3: