View Full Version : succulent

Grahame Hamblin
05-27-2011, 06:13 PM
Did inverse selection on main spik blurred BG Just noticed needs a bit of smudging

Roman Kurywczak
05-28-2011, 12:54 PM
Hey Grahame,
I like the look of this but not sure the square comp is best choice here.....but not being sure of other parts......can't really find good crop choice. I like where you placed the spike although perhpas a hair more room L will improve the flow as it feels a bit tight. You really captured a nice mood here so hope you get a few more shots at this!

Jerry van Dijk
05-28-2011, 01:57 PM
Hi Grahame, I like the composition with the spike as a leading line. I see a halo around the spike from your blurring procedure, you might want to remask! I also think the spike needs sharpening to make it stand out more. The whole image now has a classical soft focus lens feel and I think the composition would be strengthened with a single sharp subject.

Mitch Haimov
05-28-2011, 09:15 PM
Very nice except that I, too, find the halo around the center spike distracting. It looks like you did some masking with a hard-edge brush leaving some abrupt/unnatural transitions between sharp and soft near the base of the spike and across the spike about halfway up its length, as well as some dark areas near the tip. The good news is that you should be able to fix all that fairly easily by re-masking with a soft brush.