View Full Version : Thanks to Alan Murphy- Pyrrholuxia take off

Steve Bein
05-21-2011, 12:00 PM
Another image from the amazing Texas week with Alan. I got a few shots on a burst on this bird. From time on the perch to out of the frame, only three shots at 1/10th of a second between. The two flying were the killers. This was the second after takeoff. the third was only the perch. The bird was already clipped on one wing and half the beak. Alan helped me by salvaging it and this is the result. Many thanks for showing me how to restore it. So, this is actually the bird but the wing and beak repaired on the right side of the photo. Look at the Van Gogh interpretation of this image in Out of the Box forum. The pose is the best part since the open wings are beautiful.
1D MK IV- 500mm IS
Subject dist: 6.5m
1/4000 sec, f/4.5
ISO: 1000
Not as sharp as I would like, but no one, not even the masters, can predict exactly where to focus, but chosen few predict better than the rest!
This sharp was luck for me. Actually the shot was the bird on the perch and that one is very sharp. I did not anticipate it flying. I did a short 4 shot burst, not expecting too much movement, but hoping for a better head angle. To my surprise, the bird flew off, perhaps in response to shutter noise, who knows. Anyway, in flying away, the head and beak went slightly out of the plane of focus. That is why the perch and claws are sharp and the head is softer. I wish The head was sharper, but if wishes were fishes, then I could feed the world. I have dozens of sharp Pyrrholuxia shots, though, but this one is special to me.

Arthur Morris
05-21-2011, 12:04 PM
Beautiful pose with wings very sharp but face way soft with seemingly poor IQ: face/bill/crest....

Will I become a one-handed bird photographer? See here (http://www.birdsasart-blog.com/2011/05/20/optimism-increasing-why-bend-the-lens-2/).

05-21-2011, 12:06 PM
pose is excellent but I agree bird looks soft, looks like the focus was on the perch...

Doug Brown
05-21-2011, 05:26 PM
I'm sure it takes many frames to nail focus on the bird. Great take-off pose here, but the lack of sharpness really hurts.

Hendri Venter
05-22-2011, 05:05 AM
Great flight pose. Very well timed. I think the softness due to the bird slightly out of the DOF.:w3

Sachin Saraf
05-24-2011, 11:01 PM
Great capture!

The wing and head position are great...