View Full Version : Design on leaf..

bhavya joshi
05-21-2011, 01:47 AM
I don't know the type of leaf.. Taken indoor with back light, But I try to take some Pattern and texture.. from this leaf..
Not possible to focus whole leaf because of my small F 3.0..
With canon A495
What suggestion about darkening and lighting in this leaf??
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/230333_216104661752931_100000601962672_809770_4435 743_n.jpg

Steve Maxson
05-21-2011, 11:43 AM
Hi Joshi. Your leaf has a lot of interesting patterns and textures and I like the diagonal comp. I think I would like this even more if the shadows weren't quite so pronounced - you might try lightening them a little. Lets see what others chime in. :S3:

Nick Palmieri
05-21-2011, 12:08 PM
In my opinion this a perfect image for a black and white conversion. I like the patterns and the textures and think the conversion would really accent them. Great observation finding such an interesting leaf.

Anita Bower
05-22-2011, 05:10 AM
Very nicely seen, composed and captured. Lovely patterns. The light accentuates the lines.Well done.

Roman Kurywczak
05-22-2011, 10:00 AM
Hey Joshi,
I actually don't mind the bold lighting in this case although your limited DOF is a bit bothersome. Remember that you can turn the camera at an angle with these type of compositions to get the best possible orientation to the most interesting leaf veins. I think the UR veing takes a bit away from the prominant ones. If it was possible, rotating the camera CW to eliminate that if possible would have further strengthend the image. I do think you can crop out some of the OOF areas.....and that would also strengthen the comp IMO. I still like the fact you are exploring the differnt lighting! Well done!

bhavya joshi
05-23-2011, 12:08 AM
Thanks you all for comments.. I will try some variation on this leaf.. as per suggested.:S3:

Mitch Haimov
05-23-2011, 04:18 PM
Nice subject and angled composition, Joshi. I don't mind the shadows--they give the image a lot a texture and a 3D feel.

Chris Ober
05-24-2011, 07:23 AM
I like the shadows in this one too and Roman hit all the points. That camera doesn't have a manual mode but you might be able to use it's included settingg it to give you a smaller aperture. Try setting it to the landscape mode which should automatically set a smaller aperture. Depending on how big the leaf is, you might be able to get close enough with the zoom and minimum focus.

Brendan Dozier
05-24-2011, 10:19 AM
Joshi, very nice and interesting details in this leaf capture! I like how the lighting gives depth to the veins. Roman makes some good suggestions, but very nice work! :S3:

Jerry van Dijk
05-24-2011, 03:39 PM
Hi Joshi, great advice already given. You may consider cropping off the OOF left side of the leaf.