View Full Version : Theme Striated Heron

Chris Martinez
05-08-2011, 06:36 AM
It was quite a bright overcast day and the reflection of the clouds off the water(from the direction I was shooting) was extreme. It made for a very cool high key photo shoot until the sun came out. This bird allowed me to photograph it in different conditions for well over an hour. It was a great morning :bg3:

1DMKIV, 600mm IS, 1.4x II, tripod.

Stu Bowie
05-08-2011, 09:18 AM
Great high key Chris, and the colours on the heron pop nicely. Good low perspective, interesting pose, with good eye contact. I would maybe move him up in the frame.

Daniel Cadieux
05-08-2011, 12:41 PM
Neat perspective, and I like the high-key look. Very artistic. I found the image had a bit of a green/cyan cast to it - reduced the blue channel in saturation, then used colour balance ( -3 green, +6 red) , and although I didn't do it on the repost I agree with putting the heron higher in the frame.

Tom Rambaut
05-08-2011, 04:35 PM
Nice image Chris of a species that I have not seen a lot.

Daniel's repost is an improvement and when comparing the two you can see the colour cast in the first post. I would have missed that. Also agree in moving up in the image.

I like the hunting stance, low perspective and the beak is sufficently lowered to give a great view of the eyes without them staring straight at you.

Chris Martinez
05-08-2011, 05:22 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys :S3:

Daniel, when I was working on this I thought the legs looked a little odd but couldn't pick what the problem was:e3 Thanks for the colour correction.