View Full Version : Another form to photograph birds

Jorge Rubio
03-25-2008, 09:45 AM
Hi friends
Another form to photograph birds in the nature. In order to take photos from nature it is not necessary to resort to expensive objectives, with imagination and with a 28-80, cable trigger of 25 meters and patience, these and better photos can be obtained.
f8 v400, 28mm beanbag

more photos in www.jorgerubio.es (http://www.jorgerubio.es)


Muy buenas amigos
Otra forma de fotografiar naturaleza y aves en concreto. Deciros que aunque la mayoría lo sabéis para tomar fotos de naturaleza no es necesario recurrir a objetivos costosos, con imaginacion y con un 28-80, cable de 25 metros y paciencia, se pueden obtener estas tomas e incluso mucho mejores, como digo es cuestión de "trabajar" las tomas cada foto se lleva su tiempo y no hay que dejar que actue la improvisación, cuanto menos improvisación mejor, aunque hay que reconocer que cuanto más se trabaja, más suerte se tiene. Es cierto y eso tampoco lo voy a descubrir que con un buen objetivo se tiene ganado mucho, pero esta foto que subo es para que los que se inician en la fotografía de aves, no tienen que recurrir a realizar grandes desembolsos para obtener los objetivos más potentes y caros para obtener "buenas fotos".
f8 v400, 28mm beanbag

Espero que os guste y podéis ver más fotos en www.jorgerubio.es (http://www.jorgerubio.es)

Un saludo

Glenn Bartley
03-25-2008, 10:21 AM
Very cool. I love seeing things from a different perspective :)

Daniel Cadieux
03-25-2008, 11:13 AM
Quite the perspective giving us a great indication of it's habitat!! I wish the bird was better lit, but still impressive and refreshing :-)

Doug Brown
03-25-2008, 01:40 PM
Agree with the above comments. Sometimes we forget about the environment that the birds live in. Your photo is a nice reminder!

Dave Shaw
03-25-2008, 02:24 PM
I said "Oh Wow!" (luckily in a whispered voice since I'm at work right now) when I opened this image. We very often forget the bird's habitat in this type of photography. The portrait shots, as beautiful as they are, isolate a large amount of what makes bird photography interesting. Truly a wonderful image. I love the habitat and the way the bird just jumps out of the image. Very nice work.

Dave Shaw

Fabs Forns
03-25-2008, 02:43 PM
Que maravilla, Jorge! Me encanta :)
Wonderful, I love it!

Seeing out of the box composition is always very refreshing, thanks for sharing this, keep them coming!

John Cooper
03-25-2008, 08:22 PM
Hi Jorge - Well captured!!
It appears to be a Bee-eater braking at its nest hollow tunnelled into the ground?!
I would like to see a little more light on the bird, but nice environmental shot!!

Juan Aragonés
03-26-2008, 05:21 AM
This is great Jorge, I love the point of view in this image and the interesting technique that you used to capture it. Is very nice to see part of the habitat of the species because most part of the time we focuses on capture a detailed, frame filling portrait, with out of focus background and we lost part of the charming that is the bird in its habitat. My only critic is that the bee eater needs more light and that I would prefer to see the wings spread but it is an amazing photograph.
Well done my friend

Ian McHenry
03-26-2008, 02:00 PM
Very well done.
As the eye shot is so sharp I take it you were directly behind the camera some distance away?
Ian Mc