05-03-2011, 04:21 AM
Beauty of a flycatcher . Got him at Sattal , Uttarakhand .

Camera : Canon 1D Mk III
Lens : 600mm f4 IS
Aperture: f 5.6
Shutters: 1/500
ISO: 800


Allen Sparks
05-03-2011, 07:08 AM
Rakesh, that is a pretty flycatcher and you caught him with a nice pose and eye contact. I like the BG but the brightness of the perch I find distracting - would suggest toning that down. The bird is gorgeous but the sheen on the body seems fairly harsh to me - would like to see others thought on that and suggestions for dealing with it in PP.

Mike Milicia
05-03-2011, 08:12 AM
Nice pose and sharp detail!

Would prefer to see the breast better lit. Different light angle or some Fill Flash would have helped here.

Dumay de Boulle
05-03-2011, 08:56 AM
Nice pose and the detail looks good...I like Mikes suggestion of filling the chest with some flash...Light looks quite harsh. Also like the dark BG!

Kaustubh Deshpande
05-03-2011, 10:37 AM
Rakesh, I like this a lot. Light is typical of where they are found...so am fine with that. Difficult situation to expose...you did very well. Liked the comp. a lot as well.

I find it a tad oversharpened though. This light angle must have given you very good base sharpness.

Simon Bennett
05-03-2011, 04:51 PM
Nice pose and head turn. A bit contrasty - getting the sun right behind would have helped.

Roger Clark
05-03-2011, 10:01 PM

I like this image a lot because of the higher phase angle (about 30 degrees), giving nice form to the bird and to the branch. The image needs a little work in my opinion. The branch in particular is a little bright, for example. In the raw conversion I would set the black level to zero and add some fill light. Then add some highlight recovery. Then in post processing, select the brighter portions and reduce the brightness, then select the shadows and increase the brightness to reduce the dynamic range of the image. Of course, none of these corrections to erase the effect of the beautiful shading giving form, just enough to improve the highlight and shadow detail.
