View Full Version : Black-Necked Stilt in blue water with prey item.

Bob Blanchard
04-25-2011, 08:47 PM
Captured this image Sunday morning at Harns Marsh. Lots of activity up close, so I opted for the 1DsM2 on the 600, and my Mark 4 had the 300. The Black Necked Stilts are just starting to come in out there.

EXIF: Canon 1DsMark2, Canon 600mm f/4, f/4, 1/2500, ISO 200, manual mode, Gitzo 3 series flat on ground (mud) with Wimberley head.


04-25-2011, 08:58 PM
lovely pose low angle and details!

bhavya joshi
04-26-2011, 03:52 AM
I like low angle.. with nice details ..I like drops falling from.. food,..
what is that?? doesn't look like fish.:w3

Bob Blanchard
04-26-2011, 11:36 AM
I like low angle.. with nice details ..I like drops falling from.. food,..
what is that?? doesn't look like fish.:w3

It is a small shellfish. I captured several images of them eating these throughout the morning.

Jim Crosswell
04-26-2011, 06:10 PM
I like the sharpness, details and low angle. Well done!

Daniel Cadieux
04-26-2011, 08:20 PM
Great low angle, and I love the water dripping off the shellfish. Good job with the techs, and I love the beautiful eye. I can't help but feel the avocet is cramped at top - perhaps adding a bit more up there (and then left and right to retain the ratio) would be good. Well done Bob!

Bob Blanchard
04-26-2011, 08:26 PM
Thanks Daniel. I do have room all around this one. My initial crop did have more room, but I second guessed it before posting. First answer is usually the right one ;-)

Bob Pelkey
05-30-2011, 03:54 PM
Another jaw dropper here, Bob. The exposure is spot on.
The detail absolutely unbelievable showing off this female stilt
and her feeding behavior. The brilliance of the eye is captured
perfectly as well. If you had the chance, I'd only recommend
adding a bit more to the left and top to what you saw, perhaps
resulting in taking some off the bottom of the image and adding
a bit to the right. The water droplets on the head of the stilt
adds a lot to the image which gives an idea of how deep the
water is for the bird.