View Full Version : Wind Blown

Bill Foxworthy
01-04-2008, 10:20 AM
The Great White. Image created at 8:45am in Palmetto, Fl using a 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L lens at 400mm. Camera info: Canon EOS 40D, ISO 400, f/5.6 at 1/4000, using spot metering, cropped and tweaked in photoshop. Thanks for looking and for your comments!

Gary "Jake" Jacobson
01-04-2008, 10:43 AM
Hi Bill,
Very nice image. I am not a fan of seeing the yellow banner at the bottom of the image. You have some noise and dust that needs some work. It appears that you might have cloned something out on the right side of this image. Looks like you also have a little halo affect by the legs.

Jim Neiger
01-04-2008, 11:11 AM
Hi Bill,

I lik ethe way the Egret's featheres are all fluffed up by the wind. I also like the pose, but wish the head was turned slightly towards you instead of away. As Jake mentioned there appears to be some noise and other issues with the bg as well as a halo which is probably caused by the SH too in PS. Try using a mask to slect just the Egret, then apply SH and sharpening. This will prevent the halos and some of the noise in the bg.

Lana Hays
01-04-2008, 05:59 PM
As Jim has stated, the pose is nice and also wish for a slight head turn. The halo and noise can easily be dealt with in the method stated. I am curious....was this image pretty dark in its original form? I'm thinking that perhaps some of the noise might have resulted from increasing the exposure in photoshop.

Judy Lynn Malloch
01-05-2008, 07:37 AM
Very striking pose bill and the ruffled feathers add another dimension to this image. Also like the low angle but a little more head turn towards the camera would be desirable. The halo was mentioned and the noise in the BG . There is software you can buy to help remove noise such as noise ninja that can be used along with CS3. Thanks for sharing.

Bill Foxworthy
01-05-2008, 02:39 PM
Thanks Jake, Jim, Lana and Judy for the comments and suggested corrections! I was hoping that I would fit right into this forum and do nicely but I see that I do have a few too many faults in my images. I did not seem to have seen the noise problem until I got here other than a good friend pointed it out to me a few days ago. I think I adjusted my photoshop routine recently and that seems to have started my noise problems. I will re-do my system back to the way I used to do it and see if that corrects it. Thanks for taking the time to help me and I hope I can do better in the future. Good luck in the forums and I hope the site is a huge success. BF