View Full Version : Burrowing Owl

Robert Holguin
04-17-2011, 12:33 AM
Hello everyone. Here is a pic I captured of this wonderful little owl. I really like how you can see the sunrise in its eye. Hope you enjoy. C&C welcomed and encouraged.
Camera - Nikon 300s, Lense - Nikon 200-400 w/1.4 tc, Exposure - 1/200, Aperture - F5.6, ISO - 640, Metering - Spot, Aperture Priority.

Tony Whitehead
04-17-2011, 04:22 AM
Looks nice and sharp and the eye is amazing with that reflection in it. OOF rock in the foreground obscuring some of the toes is a bit of a minus. I would be tempted to try a version with the surroundings darkened down a little - even just a slight corner burn may be worth a try. Here's a quick try using Viveza to illustrate what I mean.

Randy Stout
04-17-2011, 08:56 AM

The sunrise catchlight is great. Your bird is sharp and well exposed. Tony made some excellent points, and covered my main observations, foreground blocking foot and too bright BG drawing our eye away from the subject. I like the repost.



PS: I like the framing, although I might consider just a sliver off the top.

Alan Murphy
04-17-2011, 10:34 AM
Great detail in the bird. Not crazy about the square crop and I would consider warming the image up a bit.

Dave Leroy
04-17-2011, 10:43 AM
Very nice pose on the owl and good for you to catch it in the nice early morning light.

I wonder if there is a bit of colour cast in photo? The colours of the owl seem a bit coolish to my eye.

It would have been great to have the little owl sitting up on the rock instead of just behind it.

Well done.


04-17-2011, 01:40 PM
very nice cute pose, the square crop doesn't work IMO. would go vert and get rid of off the oof patch in the FG