View Full Version : Common Redpoll, Carduelis flammea

Bob Malbon
03-27-2011, 09:50 AM
The Redpolls are still around here in Northern Vermont this late March. I am sure they are staying since there is still snow cover and night time lows in the single digits! So moving to the sub-arctic while I am willing to feed them seems better. This one was on a platform feeder and let me in close with the 70-200 f2.8 - I had been out in the woods looking for tracks to photograph. 1dmkIII on 70-200, iso200, manual at f10 and 1/200 hand held. Bob

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03-27-2011, 10:13 AM
Bravo, what a lovely portrait of this very smart bird. Looks happy with great HA, beautiful sharpness w detail all around. And the dust of snow on the beak is sweet. BG is sweet. This is a big keeper for me, its very nice.

Daniel Cadieux
03-27-2011, 12:09 PM
Looks like you had a very cooperative subject...redpolls often are! I like the ruffled feathers, and the beautiful rose colours of this male specimen. The sprinkling of snow on the bill is good too. For me a better HA would have done two things: 1- give us a better connection to the bird (head is angled away as is), and 2 -made the light hit the face in a better way since it is coming from the left.