View Full Version : THEME: Straight Down The Barrel - Black-necked Grebe

Xavier Maessen
03-21-2011, 05:22 PM
In that morning of april 2010, the reflection of the morning mist gave the water of the basin (the same series of basins where I photographed the bearded reedling (http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/showthread.php/81638)) a strange, milk-like texture.

In Belgium, the populations of the black-necked grebes are very localized. They like shallow ponds and lakes with much emergent vegetation, and these habitats are quite rare in my country. The black-necked grebes feed from small fishes, crustaceans, insects that they swallow underwater (in contrast to the other species of grebes).

Although their winter plumage is rather unappealing, it all changes with the breeding season. I like the way their dark breeding plumage contrasts with their red, almost hypnotic eyes and their golden ear tufts. It gives them a cool vampire-like appearance. ;-)

For this shot I was crouching among the reeds, as close as possible to the water surface. This little guy (or girl?) ventured close enough for a portrait.

Thank you for your comments and critiques,


Capture: EOS 50D + EF300 f/2.8L + Extender 2x. ISO 800, f/8, 1/800sec. Exposure set manually, with check on the histogram.
Processing: RAW processed with DPP. Cropped from 15MP to 10MP. Toned down the bird's reflection in the water, and the ripples behind the head.

Art Kornienko
03-21-2011, 06:24 PM
Love the angle and detail for a 2X.

Don Lacy
03-21-2011, 07:10 PM
Great low angle and the eyes just hold your attention would like to see I bit more detail in the blacks under the bill.

Brendan Dozier
03-21-2011, 09:07 PM
I agree, great low angle shot. Love the down the barrel look, and eyes. As mentioned, a bit more detail in blacks under bill would improve an already very nice image.

Daniel Cadieux
03-21-2011, 09:39 PM
That is as straight down the barrell you can get!! Love the comp and the beeming eyes. I wonder how the reflection looked like before you toned it down? It just seems to me that it should have remained darker. I'd be tempted to also darken the paler half of the body.

Good job overall...a strong impact image!!

Pieter de Waal
03-22-2011, 11:30 AM
Hi Xavier , interesting perspective nicely captured. The eyes and droplets make the image for me. Agree with more detail in the blacks and toning down the brighter feathers on the birds right hand side.

Xavier Maessen
03-22-2011, 05:21 PM
Thank you all for your comments and feedback! Here is the repost taking your suggestions into account: the reflection somewhat darker, the body darkened and more details in the blacks under the bill.


Daniel Cadieux
03-22-2011, 07:24 PM
Xavier, I think the repost works well. Good job!:S3:

Stuart Price
03-23-2011, 10:07 AM
Wow, fantastic, lovely head on shot. I would have had it slightly off center but that's just me, a minor point.