View Full Version : Cape White-eye

Pieter de Waal
03-21-2011, 03:05 PM

One of our most common birds, endemic to Southern Africa and found in most gardens. Captured at a nectar feeder in our garden which is positioned in the shade of a tree. The reflected light from the bottle below the bird helped with the light in the shade. Toned down some dappled light in the Bg and ran NR. Removed some twigs from the perch.

50D/EF500+1.4 1/125 @ f6.3 iso400 mode Av - cropped for comp.

C&C allways welcome.

Roman Kurywczak
03-21-2011, 03:43 PM
Hey Pietr,
I love the darker BG as it makes the bird stand out....I know not everyones cup of tea but it works for me! The HAp is probably going to get you....so i will leave that for them.....but I think you can do 2 things in PP'ing to make this stand out even more. If you lighten the eye....and the darkest rear feather area....just a few points.....this will take the image up a notch or 2. It will allow the back wing feathers some more seperation from the BG and focus a bit more attention on the eye! Just be careful to not overdo it!
Overall.....very nicely done!

Xavier Maessen
03-21-2011, 05:43 PM
Dag Pieter,

Lovely colors, and great detail on the plumage. I like the way the bird almost seems to irradiate light, like it was fluorescent. Great compo. Not too fond about the thick, blunt-ended perch, though.


Art Kornienko
03-21-2011, 06:31 PM
Love the light and the bg, not fond about the perch.

Cody Covey
03-21-2011, 07:39 PM
I love this background! Really makes the bird pop! I have to agree with the above statement about the perch. It doesn't bother me to much but it is kind of big compared to the bird.

Tom Rambaut
03-21-2011, 07:41 PM
Cool little bird.

The eye ring is just so obvious here. That dark background helps a lot.

We have a number of these species over here.

03-21-2011, 08:56 PM
lovely Bg and perch perfect focus on the birds head to toe .

Stu Bowie
03-22-2011, 10:33 AM
Hey Pieter, busy characters arent they - Hopping all over the place. You have the colour spot on, and I like how you have brought out the plumage. Good attentive pose too. He does stand out very well from the darker BG.

Pieter de Waal
03-22-2011, 11:19 AM
Thanks folks for your kind comments and feedback, yeah perch is a bit large will try and do something about that at the feeder.

Roman thanks for those suggestions, its the small things that make the difference. By the way I enjoy your critiques, fun and informative.