View Full Version : March Theme:Straight down the barrel!

Tom Redd
03-19-2011, 08:05 PM
Wood stork from Estero with Sid Garige and Don Lacy on Sid's Avian Charity Workshop. The image is too tight at the top but I used Aperture for PP and don't think there is a way in Aperture to add canvas. The image is soft but I liked the pose for the March theme so I thought I would post it.

300/2.8 with a 2xTC
ISO 250
Sharpened and cropped

Robert Holguin
03-19-2011, 10:44 PM
Great head shot. Love the pose. Well done.

Stu Bowie
03-20-2011, 03:31 AM
Tom, certainly captured head on, and well timed to to get the raised foot. I do like the trailing droplets too. I dont mind the motion blur, but find the tightness of the image more of a distraction. Pushing your ISO would have given you more ss. ( but you knew that already :w3 )