View Full Version : White Morph Reddish Egret -- Hooptie Deux

Melissa Groo
03-18-2011, 11:57 AM
Canon 7D; 500mm lens; Manual mode; 1/1600s; f/8.0; ISO 400
Gitzo 3530LS; Wimberley II; standing in water; 5:15 p.m.

Posting here for maybe the 3rd time or so since I joined about six months ago; am a frequent lurker who has learned much-- and is looking forward to participating more.

Last month I was in Fort Myers, FL for a couple weeks and drove up to Tampa to go out on the Hooptie Deux with James Shadle for the first time. It was an unbelievable experience I plan on repeating next year. I'm fairly new to bird photography, and just bought a Canon 500mm and 7D. James taught me so much about exposure, positioning, use of manual mode, etc--we well as bird behavior. And got me in prime position to get pics of Roseate Spoonbills, Ibis, Long-Billed Curlews, Reddish Egrets and Oystercatchers. He knew exactly how to approach the birds and yet be respectful and considerate of their safety zones. We stopped only when my teeth started chattering at 6 pm or so and I had to get out of the water (my waders full of water). Overall an incredible experience I highly recommend!
My favorite bird of all might have been the white morph reddish egret that hung around with us for a while. I have a lot of pics of him and not sure which is my best but thought I'd start with this one. I am having much trouble deciding on the shade of white, I keep tinkering with it but it looks too red, then too green, then too blue. What do others think? Do white morph egrets have a reddish cast at all?
I used contrast and curves adjustments in CS4, and some sharpening only to eye, as well as a bit of lightening (to eye). Brought up highlights in Shadow/Highlights Adj. Cloned out a cut-off oystercatcher on the right and some distracting small bits of stuff on beach. Darkened some glare on top of legs. Ran Noiseware Pro on the background.
All feedback greatly welcome and appreciated!

Roman Kurywczak
03-18-2011, 01:30 PM
Hey Melissa,
I was on the Hooptie last thursday and we got this guy too! He is one good looking morph! If you can eek out a bit more detail in the whites.....that would work for me. I would consider removing the rock? on the LR frame edge.....but not a big deal. Very nicely done overall.

Melissa Groo
03-18-2011, 01:46 PM
Hey Melissa,
I was on the Hooptie last thursday and we got this guy too! He is one good looking morph! If you can eek out a bit more detail in the whites.....that would work for me. I would consider removing the rock? on the LR frame edge.....but not a big deal. Very nicely done overall.

You got this guy too? Wonderful. Can't wait to see your pics! Let me know if you have one up already!
As for eking out more white detail, how would you suggest? I did the highlight adjustment up quite a bit. Of course did a fair amount of recovery in raw beforehand. Would really appreciate any tips as I have a bunch more of this beauty.
Thanks so much, Roman.

Dumay de Boulle
03-18-2011, 01:56 PM
Detail looks good and I think maybe a touch more space on top as it feels a bit tight for me...Buts tahts personal....The eye looks good...is this breeding colors?

Melissa Groo
03-18-2011, 02:08 PM
Detail looks good and I think maybe a touch more space on top as it feels a bit tight for me...Buts tahts personal....The eye looks good...is this breeding colors?

I believe so, Dumay.
Yea, I didn't crop it so would need to add canvas, which I have never done before but need to try! I think it would look better with more space up there too.
Thanks for your feedback.

Roman Kurywczak
03-18-2011, 04:43 PM
Hey Melissa,
The contrast boost may have toasted the whites....so be careful there. Lowering the brightnes, or tweaking the whites in selective color may work.....but you have to be really careful with them in the field. You may want to start over and try a different approach but at least you know the comp and the colors a Very good!