View Full Version : Theme Straight Down The Barrel - Acadian Flycatcher

Bryan Holliday
03-17-2011, 12:13 PM
Figured this would be a unique species for this month's theme. What I enjoy is seeing just how flat and wide the bill is and the size of the eyes. Great adaptations for catching bugs in the dense forest.


Thanaboon Jearkjirm
03-17-2011, 12:59 PM
Love the sharpness, the feather details and the diagonal line created by the perch. I might tone down the white on the crest a bit.

Daniel Cadieux
03-17-2011, 07:36 PM
Fits the theme quite well...those "bug eyes" stand out real nice! With a bit of post-processing TLC this image could be really good. Not sure what your techs are(make sure to write them down for us to see - it helps with critiques) but the image does have a flashed look to it.

Here's a repost for you...I desaturated (lots) and worked on a few spots of the BG via clone tool, ajusted the WB which was too green IMO via colour balance and selective colour, worked on the right eye (our left) to match the other a bit more. Removed the touch of bluish cast on the plumage.

Bryan Holliday
03-19-2011, 10:54 PM
Thanks guys.
The techs are:
Canon 40D
Canon 600mm f4
1/25 at f8 (slow!)
ISO 400
fill flash -1 2/3

I agree with you Daniel that it's oversaturated. Your repost looks a little flat to me. Maybe somewhere in between would be good. I trust that it has a green cast, but I can't tell since I'm red/green colorblind. Last image I posted was too red. So it goes... that's why your feedback is helpful! Thanks for your time.