View Full Version : Female Pyrrhuloxia

CM Prince
03-15-2011, 09:52 PM
Pyrrhuloxia taken at Falcon SP. C & Cs welcome

D-90, f 5.6, iso-800, 1/1600, 300mm

Thanks for looking


Dan Brown
03-15-2011, 10:47 PM
Hi CM. I really like the bird and the BG (most of it). I can see that the bird is a little dark and their is much noise overall so in my repost, (hope you don't mind?) I placed the bird and the perch on a seperate layer in CS3, sharpened the bird a little (which wasn't very successful!) and reduced noise on her also. Then, on the BG, I removed the oof light weed on the right, lightened with shadow/highlight and reduced noise overall. These improvements would all be much more successfully executed and effective on a full sized file but this should illustrate what can be done.

Jeff Dyck
03-16-2011, 12:53 AM
CM - I agree with Dan - this is a good shot of the bird, but has a few technical issues that can be mostly overcome in post processing. As Dan mentioned, the image is too dark (and also to my eyes has a blue colour cast). A little selective sharpening will also help with the clarity of the bird. My "quick and dirty" reprocess included some curves adjustments, a warming filter and some selective noise reduction and sharpening. As Dan mentioned - making these changes on your full resolution file will be far more effective.


Daniel Cadieux
03-16-2011, 06:22 AM
Great bird that I would love to see one day. The reposts improve on the image, Jeff's especially has some punch to it - and I like Dan's OOF branch removal behind the bird.

On your OP (P.S. posted too large...max is 800px on the vertical side), the IQ makes it look like it was a large crop, was it the case? Perch is large, however I do love it patterns, texture, and matching colour. It would have been great with an all clear BG. Subject placement within the frame is good, and vertical was indeed the way to go.

Humberto Ramos
03-16-2011, 06:48 AM
Agree with Daniel, and IMO a better head angle also would improve the picture...