View Full Version : Theme Down the barrel : Osprey

Alfredo Fernández
03-15-2011, 12:49 AM
Another one from my last Florida trip.

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/183882_10150153013401075_688206074_8555761_1675458 _n.jpg

Nikon D300s ISO800 Nikkor 300mm F4 @F7.1 1/3200 manual exposure / Handheld (heavy crop)

Im sorry about the bad quality, these are my really low quality facebook photos, as soon as i finish my web i will be posting BETTER resolution



Dave Leroy
03-15-2011, 09:18 AM
I agree with your self assessment that image quality is suffering a bit. Too bad. Cropping may also play some part in this.

Nice pose and certainly has the eye contact.


Doug Brown
03-15-2011, 04:23 PM
Looks like this could be improved by using a larger file size, as you point out. The heavy crop also has a negative impact on image quality. I like the eye contact and wing position.

Daniel Cadieux
03-16-2011, 05:59 AM
Alfredo, as a BPN paying member you can always upload directly from your computer - that would help with your image quality compared to facebook. Just make sure to resize to 1024px max on the long side and keep the file size under 200kb.

Anyhow, I like the pose and the staright-on look. Squarish comp looks good for this image too.