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View Full Version : Tawny Grassbird

Chris Martinez
03-06-2011, 04:27 AM
(Megalurus timoriensis)

1DMKIV, 600mm IS, 1.4x II, tripod.

ISO 800, f/8, 1/500, +1/3ec

Selective sharpening, little bit of eye work(brighten iris and reflection), removed single(tiny) blade of grass, cropped.

edit - also recovered blown highlights in the water droplets on grass.

Randy Stout
03-06-2011, 11:09 AM

Nice look back pose, sense of the rainy environment, exposure and sharpness.

From a comp point, I would be inclined to move the bird further to the right by cropping.

A reasonable starting point for a small in frame subject like this would be to set the bird on the right lower rule of thirds point, see how you like it.



Dave Leroy
03-06-2011, 11:12 AM
Lovely looking photo.

I like the nice inclusion of habitat and the rain and water drops.

Pano crop works for me. It seems to blend nicely with the sloping grass.

If mine I would take a bit off right side probably to about the first big blade of grass.


Joerg Rockenberger
03-06-2011, 01:19 PM
+1 re cropping from the right. Nice shot. JR

Tom Rambaut
03-06-2011, 03:31 PM
Well done getting a shot of this species. I have tried but without much luck.

I agree with the crop suggestions but do like the water droplets on the reeds to the right of the bird.

Chris Martinez
03-07-2011, 02:37 AM
Thanks guys

Randy, do you mean the lower right intersection:2

I think this is about the closest to that as I could manage.

Randy Stout
03-07-2011, 09:50 AM

I think that crop makes for a stronger image.

Really like the feeling of this one.



Chris Martinez
03-08-2011, 03:20 AM
Thanks a bunch Randy.

I'm diggin' this version now :S3: