View Full Version : March Theme : Straight down the barrel - Short-eared Owl in Habitat

Desmond Chan
03-04-2011, 09:30 PM
70-300 @ 300 + D700 hand-held. All natural light. ISO 3200 f10 1/125s

Nearly full-frame.

Comments welcome and appreciated. Thank you for looking !!


Art Kornienko
03-05-2011, 06:39 AM
Love the light and angle. Plenty sharp. Not sure if there was some branch cloning on left side?

Daniel Cadieux
03-05-2011, 08:49 PM
Man, with the size of those pupils you can tell it was getting dark out there! A bit of blood on the plumage makes it look like a recent kill was done. I'd have been tempted to zoom wider and open up a bit more to help with the BG. Did you try some verticals too? Still an awesome opportunity and you made very good with it.

Desmond Chan
03-06-2011, 02:32 AM
I'd have been tempted to zoom wider and open up a bit more to help with the BG.

My concern was the DOF though. I was approximately 12 ft away, and the DOF is only 3.12 inches according to on-line DOF calculator.

Did you try some verticals too?
