View Full Version : Eagle and Immature Caracara

Layton E Parham
03-20-2008, 08:42 PM
How do I improve this picture. Canon EOS 1D MarkIII, Canon 500mmF4,@ F5.6, ISO 400 ,1/1250 sec,manual mode. www.LaytonParhamPhoto.com (http://www.LaytonParhamPhoto.com)

Alfred Forns
03-20-2008, 09:09 PM
HI Layton !!!! Excellent capture and not too shabby processing !!!!

If its ok with you I would clone out the one tree merging with the Juvi Processing wise you did well Not many cropping options since you have the two birds Getting closer or converters would have made a difference !!! Intrepid Caracaras !!!

Lana Hays
03-21-2008, 06:06 AM
When you are capturing an image such as this one, there's not a lot you can do about BG as it just happens and you take what you get. I agree with Al.....not any real cropping options. It's an interesting image that I think you have to accept for what it is.

03-22-2008, 11:30 AM
Hi Öayton,

as Lana said, sometimes one have to accept what the situation provides. In this case, I think the most troublesome background element is the very straight out-of-focus line, a fence or something, which coincides unfortunately with the caracara's horizontal wing. With cloning techniques, I think you can soften that line a bit to make it less prominent across the image and then clone it out around the caracara as well. I would also clone out the vertical bright tre trunk right behind the caracara. It is a lot of work but it might be worth it. Once the fence is gone, you will also be able to judge if it is worthwhile to get rid of the gravel road by the same method...